What is happening? The IST Knowledge Base will be consolidated and accessible at https://uwaterloo.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ISTKB/. The on-prem Knowledge Base (https://wiki.uwaterloo.ca/display/ISTKB) will no longer be available as of Monday, February 8.
Why is this happening? Content in the on-prem IST Knowledge Base has not been updated since the Knowledge Base migrated to Confluence Cloud in November 2020. All up-to-date content can be accessed at https://uwaterloo.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ISTKB/.
What is the impact? The IST Knowledge Base will no longer be available athttps://wiki.uwaterloo.ca/. Please note this change will not affect any other Confluence spaces hosted on https://wiki.uwaterloo.ca/.
What do website content editors need to do? If you have any links to the on-prem IST Knowledge Base on your website(s), please update with new links to the cloud version of the IST Knowledge Base before February 8.