OfficeLinx Upgrade - February 22, 2024
What is happening? IST Telephone Services will be upgrading the existing Voicemail and IVR/Menu system Office Linx to the latest version, which is also rebranded as Avaya IX Messaging.
When is it happening? Thursday February 22 between 4:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.
What is the impact? During the upgrade window, the existing system will be shut down which means that all voicemail and IVR services will be unavailable. Once the upgrade is completed, services will be restored on the new system and it is expected to be fully operational. All voicemail boxes, passwords, messages, IVR menus and their greetings will be migrated and accessible in the same methods as before. The only change is the link used to access your voicemail and a slight user interface update to reflect the new product name. Users will still be required to be accessed from on campus or via VPN:
Old URL:
New URL:
Note: IST will have the old URL forwarded to the new one for a period of 1 month before the old system will be fully decommissioned and only available via the new link above.
Questions or concerns? Please contact the IST Service Desk, helpdesk@uwaterloo.ca, ext. 44357.