Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Sentinel One selected as Endpoint Detection and Response solution

What is happening? Sentinel one was deployed as a temporary Endpoint defense and response (EDR) to mitigate a security breach earlier this year. Recently, a request for proposal (RFP) process was completed to select a permanent EDR solution. The Sentinel One was selected among different solutions providers as the result of the RFP. Visit the IST Service Catalogue to learn more about Sentinel One (S1).

What do I need to do? Currently,no action is required. This is a continuation of the same S1 product; however, a different vendor is managing the implementation. 

What is the impact? Windows Defender will remain disabled on managed workstations. It is recommended that non-managed computer disable any existing anti-malware, including Windows Defender, if Sentinel One is installed on the machine.

Questions or concerns? Please contact Mike Patterson, Manager Security Operations,