WebEx migrating Canadian user accounts to a new data centre in Toronto
Webex has scheduled to migrate all Canadian user accounts to a new data centre in Toronto
Webex has scheduled to migrate all Canadian user accounts to a new data centre in Toronto
IST has recently procured an Adobe Acrobat Pro enterprise license. This software will be available to all full-time staff and faculty at the University of Waterloo
Apple has identified several critical security vulnerabilities affecting iPhones, iPads, or computers running macOS 12. Intruders can impersonate device's owner and run any software in their name
Microsoft reminds us that Internet Explorer end of life is on June 15
When callers contact the university they are presented with a new welcome menu to select from.
The expanded MATLAB campus license will continue as a site license, on an ongoing basis.
Guidelines for the winter term hybrid environment
IST will be moving all the resources (rooms and equipment) from Connect to Microsoft 365
Moving to new management tool Jira service management for requesting support tickets
What is happening? Waterloo Content Management System (WCMS) 3 training course, WCMS 3 Fundamentals, is now available for self-registration through LEARN.