Guests Wifi

Note: Individual guest Wi-Fi access will timeout after 24 hours. However, guests attending a multi-day event will not be required to reconnect every 24 hours.

Table of contents

  1. How to connect  to eduroam

  2. How to configure individual guests

  3. Captive portal – guest self-registration

Check on the box to agree the terms and conditions. Then click Sign On, to be connected to the University’s network.

Captive Portal – guest self-registration

  1. If you don’t have a UWaterloo username, you can self register for an account for temporary internet connection. Click on Create guest account.
  2. Enter the information on the screen that is presented. Click on Register.
    window with information fields for your name, email and phone number
  3.  Once the information processes, you will be taken to the next page where you are presented with the sign in credentials generated for you to use in future uses or other devices.
  4. Check on the box to agree the terms and conditions. Then click Sign On, to be connected to the University’s network.
    window with information about the account created and a check box
  5. If you want to save this information, you can click Email Me for an automated email message with the contents below sent to your email.

  6. The email you receive if you click the Email Me button to have your credentials sent via email will look as shown below. 
    email with information about the login