Microsoft SharePoint Services provides a collaboration environment for groups on campus. It is configured as an Intranet and requires a Nexus login to access.
SharePoint is provided to on-campus groups for these purposes:
- To assist departments and research groups in day-to-day university business (to support and further the mission of the University).
- As a project environment for allowing cross-functional groups to create and share documents.
- A cloud storage for the sharing of documents between individuals via a locally hosted OneDrive for Business service.
Who can use this service:
- Faculty
- Researchers
- Staff
How do I login to SharePoint
SharePoint is an Internet service and can be accessed with any web browser. Internet Explorer (IE) may be required for certain features. The Department SharePoint site is at: https://uofwaterloo.sharepoint.com/sites/ENG-MME/Department/default.aspx
Please note: the URL begins with 'https'. The 'https' is required.
Currently, all SharePoint sites require authentication using a WatIAM userid in Nexus. SharePoint will normally prompt for a username and password, however if you are using a Nexus Windows workstation and Internet Explorer, SharePoint should re-use the username and password used to log in to the workstation without showing a username/password prompt.
If you are using a laptop or a non nexus Computer you will see the username/password prompt.

Open SharePoint files in Office
SharePoint browser support
SharePoint is designed by Microsoft to work with any modern browser.
- Windows 10: Microsoft Edge
- Google Chrome generally works well. Some features are not available
- MacOS/iOS: Chrome has better results than Safari
- Firefox generally works (all platforms) but may have issues after updates (Chrome is recommended over Firefox)
Be aware that in SharePoint 365; there are two options
1. Open Document in the browser using Office 365 word or excel you can work directly in the browser and it will get save. This happens if you are using Internet Explorer.
2. Open Document using Office installed on your computer. This is the default setting. If you are using a different browser from Internet Explorer it will ask you where do you want to save it to.
There is SharePoint courses from the OHD on campus and/or from linkedin learning.