
Medieval Studies (MEDVL) approved courses

Course Code Course Title
ARABIC 101R Introduction to Arabic 1 (Winter 2025)
ARABIC 102R Introduction to Arabic 2 (Winter 2025)
ARABIC 120R Literary Arabic for Heritage Speakers
CLAS 104 Classical Mythology (Winter 2025)
CLAS 202 Roman Society (Winter 2025)
CLAS 221/ANTH 201 Introduction to Archaeology (Winter 2025)
CLAS 231 Survey of Greek Literature
CLAS 232 Survey of Roman Literature (Winter 2025)
CLAS 242/FINE 242 Survey of Roman Art and Architecture (Winter 2025)
CLAS 252/HIST 252 Roman History (Winter 2025)
CLAS 325/RS 315 Greek and Roman Religion
CLAS 327 Astrology and Magic
CLAS 390 Classical Studies Abroad
DUTCH 271 Dutch Culture and Society (Winter 2025)
GRK 101/RS 101 Introductory Ancient Greek 1 
GRK 102/RS 102 Introductory Ancient Greek 2 (Winter 2025)
GRK 201/RS 223 Intermediate Greek 
GRK 202/RS 224 Selections from Greek Authors (Winter 2025)
LAT 101  Introductory Latin 1 
LAT 102 Introductory Latin 2  (Winter 2025)
LAT 201 Intermediate Latin 
LAT 202 

Selections from Latin Authors (Winter 2025)

LAT 331  Advanced Readings in Latin: Prose
LAT 332 Advanced Readings in Latin: Poetry 
LAT 341 Advanced Studies in Greek Art and Architecture 
LAT 351 Advanced Studies in Greek History 
LAT 381 Medieval Latin
LAT 421  Latin Epigraphy
LAT 422 Latin Paleography 
LAT 451 Senior Latin Composition, Grammar and Reading
MEDVL 105/CLAS 105 Introduction to Medieval Studies 
MEDVL 115/HIST 115 Crusading in the Middle Ages 
MEDVL 205/CLAS 205 Medieval Society (Winter 2025)
MEDVL 250R/SI 250R The History of Islamic Civilization from Late Antiquity to 1300
MEDVL 251R/SI251R The History of Islamic Civilization from 1300-1800: The Islamic Gunpowder Empires 
MEDVL 252 Medieval Monsters
MEDVL 260/HIST 260 Medieval Europe c.300-c.1500
MEDVL 291 Special Topics in Medieval Studies
MEDVL 304/HIST 304/RS 342 Heresy and Religious Crises in Late Medieval Europe
MEDVL 305 Medieval Death and Dying 
MEDVL/HHUM 306 Public Health in Medieval Society
MEDVL/HHUM 307 Concepts off Health and Disease in Western Medical HIstory
MEDVL 391 Special Topics in Medieval Studies
MEDVL 491 Special Topics in Medieval Studies
MEDVL 492 Medieval Archaeology Field School
ENGL 200A Survey of British Literature 1 (Winter 2025)
ENGL 305A Old English 1 
ENGL 305B  Old English 2 
ENGL 309A Rhetoric, Classical to Enlightenment 
ENGL 310A Chaucer 1 (Winter 2025)
ENGL 310B  Chaucer 2 
ENGL 361 English Drama to 1642
FINE 212 Renaissance Art, 1300-1500
FINE 214 Visual Culture of Medieval Europe
MUSIC 253 Cathedral and Court: Music to 1600 
MUSIC 363/RS357/CMW 363 The Christian Hymn 
HIST 110 A History of the Western World I 
HIST 235/RS 240 History of Christianity (Winter 2025)
HIST 236/LS 236 Law and Society in the Middle Ages (Winter 2025)
HIST 262 Early Modern Europe 1450-1700
HIST 317/SMF 317 History of Sexuality: The Pre-Modern Period 
HIST 329 Origins of the Common Law
HIST 347/GSJ 347 Witches, Wives, and Whores (Winter 2025)
HIST 379/RS 343 Reformation History 
HIST 421 Special Topics in History (only if Medieval in content)
HIST 422 Special Topics in History (only if Medieval in content)
HIST 450 Making History (only if Medieval in content)
FR 101 Beginner French (Winter 2025)
FR 151 Basic French 1 (Winter 2025)
FR 152 Basic French 2 (Winter 2025)
FR 192A French Language 1: Module 1 (Winter 2025)
FR 192B French Language 1: Module 2 (Winter 2025)
FR 291 French Civilization 1 
FR 296 French Culture & Literature: Origins to 1715 
FR 410 Medieval French Literature 
FR 424 16th Century French Literature
ITAL 101 Introduction to Italian Language 1 (Winter 2025)
ITAL 102 Introduction to Italian Language 2  (Winter 2025)
ITAL 155 Intensive Introductory Italian Language 
ITAL 201 Intermediate Italian 1 
ITAL 202 Intermediate Italian 2 (Winter 2025)
ITALST 291 Culture & Civilization 1 
ITALST 311 Medieval Latin Literature
ITALST 360 Dante's Divine Comedy
GER 101 Elementary German 1 (Winter 2025)
GER 102 Elementary German 2 (Winter 2025)
GER/MEDVL 130 Norse Mythology
GER 230 Vikings! (Spring, Fall)
GER 271 German Thought and Culture: Objects 
GER 298 Topics in Cultural Studies
GER/MEDVL 330 Infamous Lovers
RUSS 101 Elementary Russian I (Winter 2025)
RUSS 102 Elementary Russian II
PHIL 207J Philosophy and J.R.R. Tolkien
PHIL 220J/CLAS 220 Philosophy of Friendship (Winter 2025)
PHIL 283/CLAS 261 Great Works: Ancient & Medieval (Winter 2025)
PHIL 380/CLAS 361 History of Ancient Philosophy
PHIL 382 Medieval Philosophy
PHIL 403/CLAS 461 Studies in Ancient Philosophy 
PHIL 404 Studies of Medieval Philosophy
PHIL 451J Thomas Aquinas
RS 110 Religions of the West 
RS 250 History of Christian Thought
RS 314/JS 314 Secret Teachings and Mysticism in Judaism
RS 327/CLAS 327/GSJ 327 the Body, Dress, and Religion 
RS 354 Shapers of Roman Catholic Tradition
SPAN 101 Introduction to Spanish 1 (Winter 2025)
SPAN 102 Introduction to Spanish 2  (Winter 2025)
SPAN 446W Love in Medieval Spanish Literature