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Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
University of Waterloo
- Doctor of Philosophy – University of Waterloo, Canada
Research - Synthesis of high quality Graphene – Started September 2015 - Masters of Applied Science – University of Waterloo, Canada
Research - Synthesis of high quality Graphene – Obtained August 2015 - B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, The British University in Egypt, Cairo, Egypt, July 2013
Validated by Loughborough University In UK
Validated by QAA-Quality Assurance Agency for higher education
Bachelor Research Thesis: Enhancing Performance of Flat Plate Solar Collector by means of Altering Riser configuration.
Bachelor Design Thesis: Design of Sterling Engine operated by Parabolic dish.
Research Interests
• Renewable/Green Energy
• Graphene electronics
• Nano-technology
• Heat Transfer
• Material Science
• Energy Conversion Systems
Selected Publications
1. "Ultrafast light interaction with Graphene oxide aqueous solution"
Khaled Mohamed Ibrahim, et al. (Toulouse (France) host the 4th edition of Graphene Conference series, the largest European Event in Graphene, from the 6th until the 9th of May 2014.
2. "Short pulsed laser interaction with graphene oxide solution"
Khaled M. Ibrahim et al. (Sixth International Conference on Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications 2014, 27th July to Friday 1st August 2014 in Leeds, UK)
3. "Ultrafast light interaction with Graphene oxide aqueous solution"
Khaled M. Ibrahim et al. IEEE 14th International Conference on Nanotechnology (Held August 18-21, 2014), Toronto, Canada. (14th International Conference on Nanotechnology
- Prof. Mustafa Yavuz