Contact information

Phone: (519) 888 4567 ext.33018
Location: DWE 1503
MSc, Mechanical Design Dept., Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt, 2006
PhD, Systems Design Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, 2012
Research interests
Design, modeling, and experimental investigation of novel binary MEMS gas sensors.
Modeling and experimental study of MEMS magnetic sensors.
Investigation of damping effects on the performance of MEMS devices in contact.
Modeling of nanostructures.
Modeling of electrostatic AFM system.
Modeling and experimental investigation of bonding wires under thermal and mechanical loading.
Selected publications
Khater M., Abdel-Rahman E., and Nayfeh A., “Methods and Systems for Detection using Threshold-Type Electrostatic Sensors”, USPTO publication no. US 2010/0321027 A1.
Khater M., Akhtar S., Park S., Ozdemir S., Abdel-Rahman E., Vyasarayani C., and Yavuz M., “Contact Damping in Microelectromechanical Actuators", Applied Physics Letters, V. 105, pp. 253501/1-4 (2014).
Khater M., Al-Ghamdi M., Park S., Stewart K., Abdel-Rahman E., Penlidis A., Nayfeh A., Abdel-Aziz A., and Basha M., “Binary MEMS Gas Sensors", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, V. 24, pp. 065007/1-9 (2014).
Khater M., Eltaher M., Abdel-Rahman E., and Yavuz M., “Surface and Thermal Load Effects on the Buckling of Curved Nanowires", Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, V. 17, pp. 279-283 (2014).
Chung S., Park S., Abdel-Rahman E., Yeow J., and Khater M., “Architecture for MEMS-Based Analog Demodulator", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, V. 23, pp. 045013/1-13 (2013).
Khater M., Vummidi K., Abdel-Rahman E., Nayfeh A., and Raman S., “Dynamic actuation methods for capacitive MEMS shunt switches”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 21, pp. 035009/1-12 (2011).
Eltaher M., Khater M., Abdel-Rahman E., and Yavuz M., “A Model for Nano Bonding Wires under Thermal Loading", IEEE-Nano 2014, Toronto, Canada (2014).
Saritas R., Khater M., Naffissi H., Park S., Dagdelen T., Abdel-Rahman E., and Yavuz M., “Modal Response of Bonding Wires under Thermal Loading", IEEE-Nano 2014, Toronto, Canada (2014).
Park S., Al-Ghamdi M., Khater M., Abdel-Rahman E., and Yavuz M., “Adjustable Sensitivity MEMS Magnetic Sensor", ASME IDETC/CIE, Buffalo, USA (2014).
Park S., Abdel-Rahman E., and Khater M., "Low Voltage Electrostatic Actuation for MEMS Actuator Using Frequency Modulation", ASME IDETC, Oregon, USA (2013).
Khater M., Dagdelen T., Abdel-Aziz A., Park S., El-Rayes K., Abdel-Rahman E., and Yavuz M., “Analysis of Thick Wire Bonds under Thermal Loads", The Canadian Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics-CANCNSM 2013, Montreal, Canada (2013).
Khater M., Abdel-Rahman E., and Nayfeh A., “Nonlinear Phenomena in MEMS and NEMS: A Micro Sensor for Measuring Minute Gas and Biological Masses”, ENOC, Rome, Italy (2011).
Khater M., Vummidi K., Abdel-Rahman E., Nayfeh A., and Raman S., “Dynamic switching of MEMS Shunt Switches”, ASME IDETC/CIE, Montreal, Canada (2010).
Khater M., Abdel-Rahman E., and Nayfeh A., “A Mass Sensing technique for Electrostatically-Actuated MEMS”, ASME IDETC/CIE, California, USA (2009).