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2008: PhD, Machine Theory and Dynamics,University of Gaziantep, Turkey
2003: MSc, Machine Theory and Dynamics, University of Gaziantep, Turkey.
2000: BSc, Mechanical Engineering, University of Gaziantep, Turkey.
Research interests:
- Biometric Applications
- Robotic and Biomechatronics
- System Modelling and Control
- Energy Harvesters
Journal Papers
M. Taylan Das and L.Canan Dülger , ‘Mathematical modelling, simulation and experimental verification of a SCARA robot’ Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory, 13, pp.257-271 , 2005.
H. R. ÖZ and M. Taylan DAŞ, “In-Plane Vibrations Of Circular Curved Beams With A Transverse Open Crack”, Mathematical & Computational Applications an International Journals,Vol.11, No.1,pp 1-10,2006.
Daş M. Taylan, Dülger L. Canan, “Automatic Signature Verification Toolbox: Application of PSO-NN”, Journal of Engineering Applications and Artificial Intelligence, Vol.22, Issue 4-5, pp. 688-694, 2009.
Daş M. Taylan, Dülger L. Canan, “Control Of A Scara Robot: PSO-PID Approach”, International Journal of Control and Intelligent Systems, 2010.
Kapucu Sadettin, Daş M. Taylan, Kılıç Ali, “Cam Motion Tuning Of Shedding Mechanism For Vibration Reduction Of Heald Frame”, Gazi University, Journal of Science, Vol:23, No:2, pp: 227-232,2010.
Daş M. Taylan, Dülger L. Canan, Dülger H. Ergin “Off Line Signature Verification (SV) using the Chi Square Statistics ”, International Journal of Biometrics, 2010.
Aktürk, Ömer, Zehra Gün Gök, Taylan Memik Daş, and Özge Erdemli. " Synthesis and characterization of sericin-capped gold nanoparticles" Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University’ , 2018, no. 33:2, (2018): 649-657.
Das, Taylan Memik, and Ayşe Yılmaz. "Vibration analysis of a cracked circular curved beams", Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University 33:3 (2018) 783-791.
Das, M. Taylan, and Ayşe Yılmaz. "Experimental modal analysis of curved composite beam with transverse open crack." Journal of Sound and Vibration (2018), Volume:436, Pages 155-164.
International Conference Proceedings
Daş M. Taylan, Dülger L. Canan, “Off-Line Signature Verification with PSO-NN Algorithm”, 22nd International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, November 7-9, 2007. published in proceedings of IEEExplore.
Daş, M. Taylan., Dulger, L.C., “Particle swarm optimization algorithm: Control of a four bar mechanism”, 8th Workshop of the EURO Working Group EU/ME, the European Chapter on Metaheuristics", October 4-5, 2007, Stuttgart, Germany, pp.52-59.
Das M. Taylan, Dülger L. C . “Design and implementation of a questioned document device and an automatic signature verification toolbox” 5th Summer School for Advanced Studies on Biometrics for Secure Authentication: New technologies for Security and Privacy, June, 9 – 13 2008, Alghero, Italy.
Daş M. Taylan, Dülger L. Canan, Kapucu Sadettin, “System Identification and Control of An Electro Hydraulic Robot by PSO-NN ”, ICINCO 2011, 8th International Conference on Informatics ,Control in Automation and Robotics, July 2011, Netherland.
Daş M. Taylan, Dülger L. Canan, Dülger H. Ergin “An Optomechatronic Device for Document Analysis Design and Application” ICMPBE 2012, Int. Conference Medical Physiscs and Biomedical Engineering, China, Published in Advances in Biomedical Engineering, pp. 8-14, vol. 13.
Daş M. Taylan, Dülger L. Canan, Daş G. Sena, “Robotic Applications with Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO)”, CODIT’13, Int. Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, 6-8 May 2013, Tunisia.
Dülger L. Canan,Daş Memik Taylan, Halicioğlu Recep, Kapucu Sadettin,Topalbekiroğlu Mehmet, “Robotics and servo press control applications Experimental implementations”, CODIT’16 , Int. Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, 6-8 Apr 2016, Malta.
M.Erkan KÜTÜK, L.Canan DÜLGER , M.Taylan DAŞ, “Applications on haptic rehabilitation”, Medical Technologies National Congress (TIPTEKNO), 2016, IEEE Xplore, 10.1109/TIPTEKNO.2016.7863077, 27-29 Oct. 2016, Antalya, Turkey.
M.Erkan KÜTÜK, M. Taylan DAŞ, L. Canan DÜLGER, “Motion Teaching for Upper Extremity Rehabilitation: Haptic Assisted Robot”, 4th Internatıonal Conference On Computational And Experimental Science and Engineering (ICCESEN 2017), Antalya, 4-8 October 2017.
M.Erkan KÜTÜK, M. Taylan DAŞ, L. Canan DÜLGER, “Üst Ekstremite Rehabilitasyon Robotunun Kinematik Analizi ve Yörünge Planlaması”, 2nd International Defense Industry Symposium (IDEFIS 2017), Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 6-8 April 2017.
M. Taylan DAŞ, İsmail KUMPAS , “Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Application of Full Flight Helicopter Simulator”, 2nd International Defense Industry Symposium (IDEFIS 2017), Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 6-8 April 2017.
M.Erkan KÜTÜK, M. Taylan DAŞ, L. Canan DÜLGER , “The Preliminary Design of a Passive Exoskeleton used in Upper Extremity Rehabilitation”, The 3rd International Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences (ICENS 2017), Budapest, 3-7 May 2017.
M.Erkan KÜTÜK, M. Taylan DAŞ, L. Canan DÜLGER, “Forward and Inverse Kinematics Analysis of Denso Robot” , International Symposium On Mechanism And Machıne Science (ISMMS – 2017), Bakü, 11-14 September 2017.
M.Taylan Daş , Gökçe Mülazımoğlu , Ö.Faruk Usluoğlu , K.Furkan Taşdemir , E. Dilek Keskin, “Design Of A Haptic Glove: Improved Mirror Therapy For Upper Extremity Rehabilitation”, 3rd International Congress On 3D Printing Technologies And Digital Industry 2018, Antalya, 19-21 April 2018.
- M.Taylan Daş, K. Murugan, A. Tetreault, C. Irvine, A.Rosic, R. Sarıtas, M. Yavuz, E.M.Abdel-Rahman, “A Triboelectric Nanogenerator (Teng) For Pipeline Monitoring”, Proceeding of the ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Computers and Information in Engineering Conference,IDETC 2018, Quebec, Canada.
- Professor Mustafa Yavuz.
- Professor Eihab Abdel-Rahman.