CBB Bioinnovations Seminar - Zhanfeng Cui, Oxford University

Tuesday, April 11, 2017 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Regenerative Medical Technology - From Fundamental Research to Commercial Bio-Manufacture

Zhanfeng Cui
PhD, DSc, FIChemE, FREng
Donald Pollock Professor of Chemical Engineering
Director, CRMI Technology Centre, Institute of Biomedical Engineering
Department of Engineering Science
University of Oxford

Location:  EC5 - East Campus 5  Room 1111 (Enterprise Theater)

Abstract:  Regenerative medicine offers promising potentials for many unmet clinical needs. Both fundamental research and technology development are important to the success of clinical therapies and applications, and both need multi-disciplinary efforts. In this presentation, two case studies will be discussed to demonstrate how development in technology and engineering can help to advance fundamental scientific research and to bio-manufacture of regenerative medical products.

The first case study looks at  engineering a three dimensional (3D) human neural network, which involves stem cell culture and controlled differentiation within a three dimensional architecture, directional growth of neurons using concentration gradients, cell positioning using surface chemistry, and data analysis using complex modelling techniques. Such 3D neural networks, as an in vitro model, can be used to study neural physiology, drug testing, neural degeneration and regeneration. The second example is the manufacture of engineered cornea, the very first product of such kind in the world developed by China Regenerative Medicine International (CRMI). Although the key operation is a multiple stage decellularisation process, the development of such a ‘unit operation’ is far from being straightforward. Sterilisation, work under Good Manufacture Practice (GMP), potential damage to products, and quality monitoring and process control etc. all impose new challenges. With successful scale up methodology, a fully automated process for porcine cornea decellularisation is developed and put into practice.

The talk will conclude with a summary on what can be learned from these experiences.

Biosketch:  Professor Cui is the Donald Pollock Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Oxford since the Chair was established in 2000. He is the Director of CRMI Technology Centre at the University of Oxford, a centre established in 2014 sponsored by China Regenerative Medicine International (CRMI), a public company based in Hong Kong. He was educated in China (BSc, Inner Mongolia Polytechnic University, MSc and PhD from Dalian University of Technology). After a Postdoc in Strathclyde University, he became a Lecturer in Edinburgh University in 1991, moved to Oxford in 1994 as a University Lecturer and was elected to the first Chemical Engineering Chair in 2000. He was elected to a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering in 2013.

His main research interest is enabling technologies for regenerative medicine including bioreactors, monitoring, three dimensional culture, cryopreservation and scale-up. His centre conducts translational research targeting on cancer, diabetes, neural degeneration and musculoskeletal conditions.

 Zhanfeng Cui, Oxford University 

Event is FREE – please RSVP via EventBrite
Pay parking available in lots Q or N (map). 

Graciously supported by GE Healthcare  