Medella Health named runner-up in Dyson Award competition

Friday, November 18, 2016

Congratulations Medella Health for its 2016 James Dyson Award success! The Waterloo start-up won one of two international runners-up awards for its smart contact lens, which monitors its wearer’s glucose levels. Its noninvasive blood testing capability has the potential to revolutionize blood monitoring – to the benefit of millions of diabetics.

Nanotechnology Engineering graduate Huayi Gao, co-founded Medella Health along with Waterloo Science graduate Maarij Baig and former Science and Business student Harry Gandhi.

The founders will use their prize money to develop their invention, which has come a long way since its inceptions as a fourth-year design project. They hope to begin clinical testing next year.

This is the third year in a row that the James Dyson Foundation has recognized the innovation of Waterloo NE graduates. Last year, Voltera won the top James Dyson Award for their custom circuit board printer. In 2014, Suncayr was shortlisted for the International prize in recognition of their product that indicates when sunscreen needs to be reapplied.

Read the full story about Medella Health and their award here.