New Nanotechnology Engineering Student Society underway

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Students from Waterloo’s Nanotechnology Engineering program will soon have a new student society to unify its cohorts and graduating classes and represent their concerns within the University’s larger engineering community. The Nanotechnology Engineering Student Society (NESS) aims to foster an alumni network, create an official forum for program-specific concerns, and organize and host outreach events for the program’s students and faculty.

NESS is a sub-society of the Engineering Society (EngSoc) that will serve Nanotechnology Engineering students specifically. It will give voice to one of the most unique engineering programs in Canada, helping to address pressing, cohort-wide concerns more cohesively than can be done using the current class representative system.

This initiative is supported by the NE administration, including Program Director Shirley Tang and Associate Director Ariel Chan. NESS governing documents will be reviewed and confirmed at the EngSoc Joint Annual General Meeting in late June.

Meanwhile, co-founders Alicia Veilleux, Austin Boucinha, Jatin Patil and Mayuran Saravanapavanantham encourage interested NE students to help build the society. There are many ways to get involved:

  • Volunteers – Get involved early and help shape the future of this new society.
  • Executive Positions – Stay tuned for information about a formal application process that will be held in anticipation of an election.
  • Designers – NESS needs a logo. A competition is underway and submissions are due by January 30, 2017.

For more information about NESS, including any of these volunteer positions, please contact Jatin Patil via