Sweet celebration of Dean’s Honour List students

Friday, July 29, 2022

 Dean's honours list recipients from 3A cohort

 Dean's Honour List students 3A cohort

On Monday, July 18th the Nanotechnology Engineering Program celebrated its students who made The Dean’s Honour List. Each term the top students of each class are recognized by the Dean.

The ceremony took place in E6 and acknowledged the outstanding academic performance of students from 5 different terms between 2020 and 2021. The backlog was due to the pandemic.

It was wonderful to finally gather in person to acknowledge the excellent achievements of our students. Associate Program Directors for Nanotechnology Engineering Laura Deakin and Dayan Ban presented the students with their certificates from the Dean.

Students from cohorts 2B and 3A were in attendance at the event cheering each other on.

After the certificates were handed out, the students were treated to delicious ice cream from FourAll. An ice cream cart was set up in the outdoor space between E6 and E7 and the students could choose between several scrumptious flavours.

Dean's Honour List students from 2B cohort

Dean's Honour List student 2B cohort 

The students had this to say about the celebration:

 It was a very flavourful time, and that's the scoop!

Tina Hanna

 Stuck inside at home for 2 years just studying, but I got free ice cream because of it so that's nice (also made the Dean's Honour Roll).

Basam Ali  

The ice cream from Four All was delicious and great motivation!

 Shawn Benedict

 The ice cream was delicious, and I greatly enjoyed the privilege of celebrating the accomplishments of our cohort.

 Vincente Garrido

The ice cream was a great way to celebrate with the class on a hot summer day! It was great to be back in person and get recognized for the Dean’s Honour List after an unprecedented 2 years of online/hybrid studying.

Naim Suleman

 It was a sweet celebration to recognize us Dean’s Honour List students!

Rachel Zhang

Congratulations to all who made it on the Dean’s Honour list! We’re so proud of all your hard work!