Nestled between apple and cherry tree orchards on a half-acre of rural land between Milton and Guelph, Ont., Green Care Farms is ready for planting. Incorporated in 2021, Rebekah Churchyard (BA ’13, BSW ’14) launched Canada’s first care farm specifically for adults living with dementia, a disease that affects at least 750,000 Canadians today.

It was about thyme

While common in Europe, few care farms exist in Canada. The model can serve young people with intellectual differences, those living with mental health concerns, mental illness, addictions, and folks who need a bit of support to build skills and an opportunity to belong to a productive community.

“You can have horticulture care therapy elements in a program, but to have a care farm, it needs to be operational. You need the blue skies and the open fields. It’s part of the healing in the model,” Churchyard said.

For people with dementia, working in the fields with ample support has been shown to reduce cognitive decline, stress and agitation, loneliness and physical pain while improving mood, self-esteem, energy and functional independence.

Churchyard should know. Since launching the social enterprise, she’s seen the difference her business has made for her clients. One man who had worked as a labourer for 45 years took time each Sunday evening to gather tools and other items, he thought would be useful for the workday. He may have had difficulty remembering dates and names, but he finally felt he had a purpose again.

“It was extremely healing. He had something to do. He had jobs and was good at being on a team and listened to direction well,” Churchyard said. “I think with my clients, actions speak louder than words.”

Rebekah Churchyard

“With my clients, actions speak louder than words.”

Rebekah Churchyard (BA ’13, BSW ’14)

It could have been different

Churchyard wishes a care farm had been an option for her grandfather, Ron Goodall, who was diagnosed with early-onset dementia when she was 14. A farmer and teacher, he was happiest riding his tractor or trimming trees on the family Christmas tree farm, the ultimate retirement project.

As his dementia progressed, it became harder for him to spend time outdoors safely. When boredom and frustration set in, he tried a few day programs but absolutely hated them.

“He wanted to be outside working because that’s who he was — a true-blue farmer through and through,” Churchyard remembered.

Tragically, her grandparents passed away within just four months of each other in 2014. Caregiving had worn her grandmother down. After she died, Churchyard’s grandfather went into a top-quality long-term care facility. But soon, he was gone too. The experience pushed Churchyard to ask how nature could help people with dementia and their caregivers.

“I was so dissatisfied after my grandparents passed away. I thought, ‘This is so wrong. It could have been different.’ They did everything right, and it was still awful,” she said. 

Yet that experience was precisely what guided Churchyard forward for the next 10 years. Along with health and social work, Churchyard methodically built her entrepreneurial skills by using Waterloo’s professional development centre, taking business and accounting courses and serving as president of the board of directors for the Toronto Council on Aging. Eventually, Churchyard felt she was ready to launch Green Care Farms based on a social enterprise model — a business that does good in the world.

Green Care Farms participants

Green Care Farms launched in 2021 and offered clients the opportunity to dig, plant, weed and harvest. Participants can experience the world with all their senses and take produce home while the extra goes to the local food bank.

Spreading roots

The program immediately gained traction, and the response was overwhelmingly positive. “Hearing ‘this changed my life’ was honestly all I needed to keep going,” Churchyard said. “It was very healing. Obviously, the clients are not my grandparents, but this has been a way to pay tribute to them.”

The success of Green Care Farms was featured in a Waterloo Magazine article, which caught the attention of John Zufferli (BASc ’93) and Jessica Zufferli.

John’s mother lived for over a decade with dementia. She loved to garden and even had her gardens featured in magazines and local tours in Sudbury, Ontario. When the Zufferlis read about Green Care Farms they were inspired, and knew it was a sign that they could provide support and rejuvenation for their community in her honour.

John Zufferli (BASc ’93) and Jessica Zufferli.


Following the same model, the Zufferlis plan to install a sensory garden, vegetable garden, small orchard and many raised beds on their 100-acre farm in Meaford, Ontario. They aim to provide respite and help others thrive in an outdoor environment while doing meaningful work.

“A Green Care Farm for people with dementia in every community in Canada – that is our vision. By expanding our business model, we’re able to teach and support others like Jessica and John to start care farms of their own. We are changing the landscape of care for people with dementia in this country. I’m grateful to be at the forefront of hopeful care solutions including farmers,” Churchyard said.

To participate or learn more about these initiatives, visit Milton Green Care Farm or Meaford Green Care Farm.

Meaford Green Care Farm

Hear why Rebekah loves her work with Green Care Farms.

This story originally appeared in the Fall 2023 edition of the Waterloo Magazine and was updated January 2025.