Material properties
- Multivariate statistical analysis of pressure tube fracture toughness data
- A probabilistic approach to update the lower bound fracture toughness using surveillance pressure tube data
- Modeling irradiation damage and its effects on delayed hydride cracking growth rate
- A probabilistic approach to update the lower bound threshold stress intensity factor (KIH) for delayed hydride cracking
- Relationship between burst specimens, compact tension specimens, material chemistry, and operating conditions for Zr-2.5Nb pressure tube material
- Statistical analysis and modelling of pressure tube diametral creep using in-service inspection data from Bruce B and Darlington stations
- Diametral creep analysis of CANDU 6 pressure tubes in support of IAEA-CRP
- Statistical analysis of fuel channel axial elongation data
- Probabilistic prediction of the number of spacer movements and determination of SLAR sample size
- Probabilistic modelling of spacer degradation and prediction of end of life
- Analysis of uncertainties in CDEPTH pressure tube to calandria tube gap predictions using in-service AFCIS measurements for three CANDU 6 reactors
- Probabilistic leak-before-break (LBB) assessment of pressure tubes using partial factors
- Development of data visualization tools for the analysis of 6-probe and 14-probe eddy current feeder wall thickness data
- Analysis and visualization of eddy current inspection data of inlet and outlet feeders from Pickering and Darlington stations
- Probabilistic assessment of MIT (feeder weld inspection tool) application at Darlington station
Flow accelerated corrosion (FAC)
- Methodology for predicting flow-accelerated corrosion wear using unreferenced multiple inspection data
- A probabilistic Gamma process model of wall thinning in CANDU feeders due to flow-accelerated corrosion
- Assessment and prediction of feeder bend thinning at Pickering station
- Assessment and prediction of feeder weld thinning at Darlington station
- Estimation of feeder wall thinning rates from repeat inspection data: Pickering Unit 1 and Unit 4
- Confidence interval analysis for regression estimated feeder thinning rate
- Probabilistic assessment capability for feeder pipe cracking
- Using spatial statistical analysis of microstructure to determine feeder susceptibility to cracking
- A logistic regression model for predicting the probability of pipe bend cracking in CANDU feeders
- Statistical analysis of dissimilar metal welds in the Darlington feeder system
- Aleatory and epistemic uncertainty in the probabilistic leak-before-break assessment of dissimilar metal welds in Darlington feeders
- Methodology for predicting minimum thickness near the Grayloc weld
Replacement planning
- Probabilistic analysis of inspection data and development of feeder replacement plan for Pickering A station
- Analysis and review of Pickering B feeder replacement plan

Steam generators
- Analysis and review of Pickering B steam generator eddy current inspection database
- Consideration of inspection uncertainties in the probabilistic assessment of steam generator tubing integrity
- Estimation of steam generator tubing degradation rate from noisy eddy current inspection data
- Statistical analysis of flaw size measurements between different eddy current probes
- Reliability analysis of eddy current probe system used for steam generator inspection
- Probabilistic modelling of steam generator tube pitting corrosion
- The effect of inspection uncertainties in predicting the probability of leak of steam generator tubing due to pitting corrosion
- A Bayesian approach to modeling and predicting pitting flaws in steam generator tubes
- Alloy 800 steam generator tubing: Current status and future challenges
- Degradation of Alloy 800 steam generator tubing and its long term behavior prediction for plant life management
- Prediction of lifetime of Alloy 600 steam generator tubing at Bruce nuclear generating station
- Improvement factors for steam generator tubing alloys
- Corrosion stress cycle model (CSCM) for material degradation
- Estimation of the material improvement factor for Alloy 800 steam generator tubing based on incubation time test data
- Memory effect and recoverability of passive film degradation of Alloy 800 in simulated crevice chemistry

Life cycle management (LCM) planning
- The impact of aging on life-cycle cost: Techniques for analysis and optimization
- An accurate probabilistic model for estimating the life cycle cost of degrading components in nuclear power plants
- Review of Darlington main generator and auxiliaries life cycle management (LCM) plan
- Life cycle cost analysis of the main generator and auxiliaries
- Life cycle management (LCM) plan for the air compressor system at Darlington station
- Life cycle management (LCM) planning of VPCE superheaters at the Darlington tritium removal facility (TRF)
- Life cycle planning of primary heat transport (PHT) system pump motors at Darlington station
- Life cycle management for large transformers: Main output transformer (MOT) spare analysis
- The influence of temporal uncertainty of deterioration in life cycle management (LCM) of structures
- Reliability analysis of the fuel handling system based on station condition records
Generation risk assessment (GRA)
- An improved generation risk assessment (GRA) model considering the degradation of components
- Generation risk assessment (GRA) of the primary heat transport system at Darlington station
- Generation risk assessment (GRA) of the turbine/main generator at Darlington station
- Generation risk assessment (GRA) of main output transformers (MOTs) at Darlington station
- Risk-informed inspection of instrumentation line tubes at Darlington station
- Risk-informed ranking of engineering projects
- Risk-informed prioritization of refurbishment project portfolio
- Review of OPG’s plant aging management risk ranking methodology

Piping related
- A stochastic model for piping failure frequency analysis using OPDE data
- Bayesian analysis of piping leak frequency using OECD/NEA data
- Reliability analysis of nuclear piping system using Semi-Markov process model
- Development of visualization tools to support the degradation assessment of nuclear piping
- A probabilistic assessment of flow-accelerated corrosion rate in pipe bends with unknown initial thickness
- Probabilistic estimation of flow-accelerated corrosion rate at the welded joints of the nuclear piping system
- Risk-based partial factors for the assessment of nuclear piping vulnerable to corrosion
- Using spatial statistical analysis of Taylor factors to characterize material susceptibility to intergranular stress corrosion cracking
- Seismic gap analysis for systems, structures and components (SSCs) at Pickering B station
- Seismic risk assessment of nuclear plant structures
- Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis of nuclear plant structures
- Development of technical requirements for seismic PSA for the nuclear industry in Canada as part of CSA N291.17
- Statistical analysis of deviation of forces in spring hangers supporting feeder piping at the Pickering station
- Probabilistic modelling and prediction of instrument line fretting at Darlington station
- Reliability analysis and prediction of Miz-80iD eddy current inspection system
- Evaluation of effectiveness of maintenance on steam turbine control fluid system
- Statistical analysis of fish impingement at Pickering station
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of the fish diversion structure (FDS) to reduce fish impingement at the Pickering station
- Statistical analysis of round white fish egg mortality data in the thermal discharge plume
- Statistical modelling of external corrosion in buried piping
- Statistical analysis of delayed neutron monitoring data for the detection of fuel defects
- Reliability analysis of digital feedwater regulating valve controller system using a Semi-Markov process model
- Evaluation of common cause failure probabilities in systems important to safety
- Regulation of nuclear power plants: A multi objective approach
- Statistical analysis and prediction of reactor inlet header temperature (RIHT) as a function of operating conditions