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Available at: Open Textbook Library.
Supported by the Center for Open Education at the University of Minnesota, the Open Textbook Library provides textbooks in a variety of disciplines.
Available at: Open Waterloo.
This site showcases a collection of open online resources for learning and knowledge creation/dissemination at the University of Waterloo. Open resources are freely available to users online, accessible by anyone from anywhere without discrimination and can be found in many formats from text and data, to audio, video and multi-media.
Available at: OpenStax.
Publishes peer-reviewed, open textbooks that are free online. Subjects range from math, business, history, to community created content of music, and programming.
Available at: Open.Ed@PSU.
Created by the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences faculty at Penn State, over 70 courses and course materials are available for use, reuse, revise, remix and redistribute. Topics include GIS, environment, energy, sustainability and more.
Available at: PHET – Interactive Simulations for Science and Math.
Gamified and interactive math and science simulations to engage students. Includes accessible sims made to work with assistive technology. Grade levels range from elementary to university-level programs.
Available at: Pressbooks Directory.
Pressbooks Directory is a free, searchable catalog that includes 6,465 open access books published by 174 organizations and networks using Pressbooks. It's easy to copy, revise, remix, and redistribute any openly licensed content found here using Pressbooks' publishing platform. Nearly all books are highly accessible, and many include interactive H5P learning activities to engage learners.
Available at: Project Jupyter.
Project Jupyter is a non-profit, open-source, open-standards project that supports interactive data science and scientific computing across all programming languages. The Notebook interface is a web-based interactive development environment which can access and work with live data as it is being run.
Available at: SOFA – Simulation Open Framework Architecture.
SOFA is an open-source framework dedicated to research, prototyping and developing physics-based simulations, with an emphasis on medical simulations.
Available at: SOL*R.
Description from the SOL*R website, "SOL*R is a repository service provided by BCcampus that allows educators to access FREE online learning resources. It facilitates sharing, discovery, reuse, and remixing of a growing collection of content created by BC post-secondary educators.
SOL*R includes learning resources from a wide variety of disciplines and subject areas. Resources range from open textbooks, individual learning activities and tools, all the way to full programs."
Available at: TED talks.
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