DI-SPME GCxGC in food metabolomics: strategies to avoid the formation of Maillard Reaction Products as artifacts during thermal desorption process
Presented by: Erica Silva
In food analysis, the immersion of the extraction phase directly to the matrix could lead to the accumulation of matrix macromolecules, such as carbohydrates and proteins in the surface of the coating. Once this fiber coating is exposed to the injector for thermal desorption at high temperatures, a phenomenon known as Maillard reaction takes place. Maillard reaction products are artefacts produced during thermal treatment of carbohydrates in the presence of aminoacids. Such products comprise of volatiles and semivolatiles such as thiazoles, pyrazines, pyridines and furfurals. In the present work, different strategies such as sample dilution, quenching step, fiber rinsing and modified SPME coatings were evaluated in terms of their ability to lessen the formation of Maillard reaction artefacts during DI-SPME-GCxGC-ToFMS metabolomic profiling of apples (Malus xdomestica Borkh.).