In this study, we scrutinized the capabilities of these two in vivo methods, namely, MD and SPME, for coverage of small molecules in the brain following fluoxetine administration, using two chromatographic methods. The first chromatographic method was selected to investigate the nonpolar fraction of metabolites undergoing changes in the system, using conditions suitable mostly for lipidomic investigations. The second method aimed at exploring the general metabolomics coverage of each method, including both polar and relatively nonpolar metabolites. Following an evaluation of each method’s capability, MD and SPME were simultaneously utilized for investigations of small molecule changes in the rat brain hippocampus following fluoxetine administration. Here, by taking advantage of two comprehensive, complementary in vivo techniques, we report new findings about fluoxetine associated changes in the brain following acute fluoxetine administration.
E. Boyaci, S. Lendor, B. Bojko, N. Reyes-Garcés, G. A. Gómez-Ríos, M. Olkowicz, M. Diwan, M. Palmer, C. Hamani, and J. Pawliszyn. Comprehensive Investigation of Metabolic Changes Occurring in the Rat Brain Hippocampus after Fluoxetine Administration Using Two Complementary In Vivo Techniques: Solid Phase Microextraction and Microdialysis. ACS Chem. Neurosci. 2020, 11, 22, 3749–3760. https://doi.org/10.1021/acschemneuro.0c00274