We are glad to announce that some of our group members were given awards during the month of May. Congratulations and keep working hard!
First, PhD Candidate Fatemeh Mousavi received the Bruker BioSpin Graduate Scholarship at the GWC2 award ceremony for her research contributions.

PhD candidates Nathaly Reyes-Garces and German Augusto Gomez-Rios were awarded with the Graduated PhD Seminar Prizes. This event was also held at the GWC2 ceremony. The prizes were given for their seminars entitled: "High-throughput Solid Phase Microextraction for Targeted and Untargeted Analysis of Biological Samples", and "Strategies for the development of a new rapid diagnosis tool: coupling of bio-compatible SPME devices to mass spectrometry for targeted analysis", respectively.

Finally, PhD candidate Jonathan James Grandy was also awarded the student travel award for his talk entitled "Coupling of Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME) Technologies to Portable Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) Instrumentation for On-site Environmental Analysis" at the joint Eastern-Western Canada Trace Organics Workshop (May 13th 2014).