PhD, Professional Engineer (PEng), Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (SMIEEE), Professor

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
Office: Centre for Environmental Information Technology (EIT) 4171
Phone: 519-888-4567 ext. 33737
Fax: 519-746-3077
Mehrdad Kazerani's Curriculum Vitae (PDF)
Teaching and supervision
Office hours: By appointment (email or call).
ECE = Electrical and Computer Engineering
MTE = Mechatronics Engineering
- ECE 6615PD: Design and Application of Direct Current (DC) / Direct Current Converters
- ECE 6611PD: Electric Machines and Motor Drives
- ECE 6610PD: Power Electronics Converters: Design and Applications
- ECE 663: Energy Processing
- ECE 463: Design and Applications of Power Electronic Converters
- MTE 420: Power Electronics and Motor Drives
Graduate students
- Talal Alharbi, PhD, “Energy Storage System Integration in the Grid” (2016-present)
- Marten Pape, PhD, “New Advances in Microgrid Control” (2016-present)
- Ahmad Abuaish, MASc, “Assessment of Battery-Supercapacitor Hybrid Energy Storage System Topologies for Electric Vehicles from Battery Capacity Fading Viewpoint” (2014-2016)
- Haoduo Wang, MASc, “Design and Performance Evaluation of a Battery Simulator” (2015-2016)
- Mahmoud Allam, PhD, “Novel Control Methods for Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids” (2014-present)
- Martin Robert Kardasz, MASc, “Design and Implementation of an Electric Vehicle Test Bed” (2013-present)
- Marten Pape, MASc, “Design and Implementation of an Isolated Microgrid Test Bed” (2013-2015)
- Elham Karimi, PhD, “Optimal Planning of Renewable Energy-Based Microgrids for Remote Communities Considering the Operation Constraints” (2013-present)
- Mauricio Restrepo, PhD, “Smart Charging and Discharging of Electric Vehicles in Distribution Grids” (2012-present)
- Zuher Al-Nasir: PhD, “A Small-Scale Standalone Wind Energy Conversion System Featuring SCIG, CSI and a Novel Storage Integration Scheme” (2011-2016)
- Mariano Arriaga: PhD, “Long-Term Renewable Energy Electricity Planning for Remote Communities” (2011-2015)
- Amir Ostadi: PhD, “Optimal Sizing of Battery/Ultracapacitor-Based Energy Storage Systems in Electric Vehicles” (2011-2015)
- Jordan Morris, MASc, “Development of a Bidirectional Smart Charger Prototype for Grid Impact Studies” (2012-2014)
- Daniel Olivares: PhD, “An Energy Management Scheme for Isolated Microgrids Considering Uncertainty” (2010-2014)
- Kun Zhuge: MASc, “Development of an Efficient Hybrid Energy Storage System (HESS) for Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles” (2011-2013)
- Prajna Paramita Dash: PhD, “A High-Performance Three-Phase Grid-Connected PV System Based on Multilevel Current Source Inverter” (2009-2013)
- Noreen Wong: MASc, “Design of a Two-Stage Level-Two Bidirectional On-Board Battery Charger for Plugin Vehicles” (2010-2013)
- Kurtis Unger: MASc, “Organically Grown Microgrids: The Development and Simulation of a Solar Home System-Based Microgrid” (2011-2012)
- Mohamed Zakaria Mohamed Ahmed Shams El-Dein: PhD, “Novel Designs for Photovoltaic Arrays to Reduce Partial Shading Losses and to Ease Series Arc Fault Detection” (2009-2012)
- Mehdi Vafei: MASc, “Optimally-Sized Design of a Wind/Diesel/Fuel Cell Hybrid System for a Remote Community” (2009-2011)
- Brian Su-Ming Fan: PhD, “Multidisciplinary Optimization of Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Component Sizing and Power management Logic” (2007-2011)
- Ameena Alsumaiti: MASc, “Sizing and Allocation of PV Units in Distribution Systems” (2008-2010)
- Walid Omran: PhD, “Performance Analysis of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems” (2006-2010)
- Michelle I. Thorne: MASc, “A Fuel-Cell Vehicle Test Station” (2006-2008)
- Jennifer Bauman: PhD, “Advances in Fuel Cell Vehicle Design”, (2004-2008)
- S. Masoud Barakati: PhD, “Modeling and Controller Design of a Wind Energy Conversion System Including a Matrix Converter” (2003-2008)
- Nathan Stretch: MASc, “Advancements in Current-Sourced Inverter Methodologies for Use in Small-Scale Power Generation” (2005-2007)
- Brian Su-Ming Fan: MASc, “Modeling and Simulation of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle Using MATLAB/SIMULINK and ADAMS” (2002-2007)
- Ali Tatari: MASc, “Flicker Mitigation of Electric Arc Furnace Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer” (2004-2006)
- Jason R. Grenier: MASc, “Design of a MOSFET-Based Pulsed Power Supply for Electroporation” (2003-2006)
- Tiantian Pan: MASc, “Stand-Alone Fuel Cell Inverter Systems for Residential Applications” (2002-2004)
- Afshin Majd: PhD, “Development and Performance Analysis of a Distributed Generation Scheme Composed of Microturbine and Induction Generator” (2000-2004)
- Xuanyuan Wang: MASc, “A High-Performance Modular Photovoltaic Grid-Connected Inverter” (2001-2003)
- Ghodratollah Esmaeili: MASc, “Development of a High-Performance Photovoltaic Grid-Connected Inverter” (1999-2001)
- Yang Ye: PhD, “Advances in Modeling and Applications of Three-Phase Power Converters” (1998-2001)
- Ramadan El-Shatshat: PhD, “A Novel Modular Approach to Active Power-0Line Harmonic Filtering in Distribution Systems” (1997-2001)
Post-Doctoral Fellows, Visiting Scholars
- Felipe Darcie Pereira, Intern (Canada-Brazil Ciecia Sem Fronteiras (CsF) Research Placement), “Design and Simulation of an Electric Vehicle Powertrain Based on Brushless DC Motor”, September-December, 2016.
- Carlos Javier Hernández Carimán, Visiting Scholar, “Design, simulation and implementation of a 4-leg inverter module for the microgrid test bed”, February-April, 2016.
- Prof. Marcos Eduardo Orchard Concha, Visiting Scholar, “Modeling of Maximum Power versus State-of-Charge of Lithium-Ion Batteries” (July 2014)
- Daniel Pola, Visiting Scholar, “Experiment-Based Modeling of Maximum Power versus State-of-Charge of Lithium-Ion Batteries” (May-July, 2014)
- Prof. Roberto Cardenas, Visiting Scholar, “Modeling of Maximum Power versus State-of-Charge of Lithium-Ion Batteries” (July 2013)
- Claudio Bergus, Visiting Scholar, “Implementation of an Experimental System for Modeling of Maximum Power versus State-of-Charge of Lithium-Ion Batteries” (May-July, 2013)
- Yong Li, Visiting Scholar, “Design and Simulation of a Test Bed for Evaluation of a Hybrid Energy Storage System for EVs and HEVs” (2011-2013)
- Karim Shaarbafi, Visiting Scholar, “New Topologies and Controllers for HVDC and FACTS” (2004-2005)
- Prof. Xiyou Chen: Visiting Scholar, “Indirect Matrix Converter-Based Induction Motor Drive” (2004-2005)
- Dr. Khaled Nigim: Visiting Scholar, “Study of Steady-State Behaviour of Stand-Alone Wound-Rotor Induction Generator for Wind-Energy Recovery Systems” (2001-2003)
- Dr. K. Liu: PDF, Development of a High-Voltage Controllable DC Power Supply for Aerospace Applications (1999-2000)
Research interests
- Power Electronic Circuits and Systems Design
- Power Quality/Active Power Filters
- Matrix Converters
- Distributed Generation
- Current-Sourced Converter Applications
- Utility Interface of Alternative Energy Sources
- Battery Electric, Hybrid Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicles
- Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS)
- Energy Storage Systems
- Microgrid Planning and Control
- Four-Quadrant Smart Chargers
- BSc (Shiraz University, Iran)
- Master’s (Concordia University, Canada)
- PhD (McGill University, Canada)