Overall themes

Recommendation Accountability18 Metrics/Key Performance Indicators (KPIS)19 Status of Recommendation20
1 | The Taskforce recommends that as the University undertakes its Policy Renewal Project, it reviews it policy management framework and existing library of university policies with equity, diversity, inclusion, and anti-racism lens and principles. New policies should also be developed using these principles. University Secretary An equity, inclusion, and anti-racism policy toolkit, to be used when creating new policies and reviewing existing policies (through the Policy Renewal Project), is developed. Some policies have been or are being reviewed with an equity, inclusion, and anti-racism lens such as Policy 18, 33, and 76 (see full PART report).
2 | The Taskforce recommends that the Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism creates a toolkit (or an appropriate mechanism) to provide a basic understanding of decolonizing approaches and direction for faculty and staff in their review and revision of existing programs and services with an anti-racism lens. This toolkit should also be used to guide development of new programs and services. AVP, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism An equity, inclusion, and anti-racism toolkit, to be used when creating new (and reviewing existing) programs and services, is developed and published.  
3 | The Taskforce reiterates a recommendation that emerged from the formal review of the former Office of Human Rights, Equity, and Inclusion, as much of the anti-racism work will occur in the Offices of Indigenous Relations and Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Anti-Racism, and requires safe spaces/facilities: [These offices] should have space appropriate for [their mandates] in a location separate from campus police, recognizing the need for traditionally marginalized communities to feel safe talking about their experiences. Vice-President, Academic and Provost EDI-R relocates to a new welcoming and inclusive space on campus, that is in a location separate from campus police. EDI-R is “working to find a welcoming and inclusive space on campus, where we can gather as communities; where you can seek guidance, support, and resources; and where connections can be fostered and strengthened. We are committed to locating a space that feels safe for equity deserving groups”.21
4 | The Taskforce recommends that the University commits to funding the programs, services, initiatives, and other activities that have emerged from PART, as these activities are crucial to the anti-racism mission of the University. President and Vice-Chancellor A report on the cost analyses of the recommendations from PART, and an accompanying plan to fund these programs, services, initiatives, and other activities, is commissioned.  
5 | The Taskforce recommends that the Offices of IR and EDI-R create guidelines on when and how to properly engage and consult with Indigenous and other racialized communities in a bid to achieve an equitable academic, research and campus environment. AVP, Indigenous Relations
AVP, Indigenous Relations
A list of resources on when and how to properly engage and consult with Indigenous communities is collated and published.
A list of resources on when and how to properly engage and consult with Black and other racialized communities is collated and published.
IR has relevant information published on its webpage, such as: uwaterloo.ca/indigenous/engagement-knowledge-building/resources-allyship/allyship-general-knowledge-building
6 | The Taskforce recommends that the Offices of IR and EDI-R continue to assess the training needs of the University community and develop anti-racism training programs that create a supportive, inclusive, and equitable campus environment where students, faculty, and staff can learn, grow, and thrive. The Taskforce recommends that the Offices of IR and EDI-R continue to assess the training needs of the University community and develop anti-racism training programs that create a supportive, inclusive, and equitable campus environment where students, faculty, and staff can learn, grow, and thrive. AVP, Indigenous Relations
AVP, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism
An annual assessment of the University’s training needs, for the purpose of advancing Indigenous relations, is conducted.
An annual assessment of the University’s anti-racism training needs is conducted.
7 | The Taskforce recommends that the University ensures the inclusive and intentional recruitment, hiring and retention of more Black, Indigenous, and other racialized individuals into faculty, staff, and leadership positions. Vice-President, Academic and Provost A framework to support cluster/priority hirings (including, but not limited to The Restricted and Priority Hires Matrix and a Special Justification Form) is developed. The Restricted and Priority Hires Matrix and a Special Justification Form are being developed.
8 | The Taskforce recommends that the Offices of IR and EDI-R should develop a communication strategy (including a central information resource/hub) to ensure the effective, accessible, and clear communications to Black, Indigenous, and other racialized students, staff, and faculty at the institution. AVP, Indigenous Relations
AVP, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism
A communication strategy (including a central information/resource hub) is developed to ensure the effective, accessible, and clear communication of programs, services, and other important information to Indigenous students, staff, and faculty.
A communication strategy (including a central information/resource hub) is developed to ensure the effective, accessible, and clear communication of programs and services, and other important information to Black and other racialized students, staff, and faculty.
IR has some relevant information published on its webpage, such as: uwaterloo.ca/indigenous/students
9 | The Taskforce recommends that the EDI-R create a screening tool that can be used to evaluate whether the mission and values of an external organization are aligned and consistent with the University’s anti-racism vision and mission. The results of these assessments should serve as an important factor to consider when making decisions on prospective partnerships. AVP, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism An external partnership assessment tool, to evaluate the alignment of the University’s anti-racism mission and values with external organizations, is created.  
10 | The Taskforce recommends that the University develops guidelines for ethical data governance respecting principles for administrative data. These guidelines are to be adapted for various purposes (e.g., the annual equity data survey, the research enterprise, the Data Management Strategy) and across various areas (e.g., the Office of Research, the Library) to ensure alignment across portfolios, while respecting differential utility. AVP, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism Guidelines for ethical data governance respecting principles for administrative data, and which can be adapted for various purposes, are developed.  

18University leader to be held accountable for the successful implementation of the recommendation.

19A metric or KPI to measure progress or the successful implementation of the recommendation.

20Activities that have occurred or are occurring in response to the recommendation or that are aligned to it.
