Graduate studies

PhD in Religious Studies

The deadline to apply for admission to the joint PhD program for fall 2025 is February 1, 2025.

Drawing on the combined resources of the Department of Religion and Culture at Wilfrid Laurier University and the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Waterloo, the joint Laurier-Waterloo PhD in Religious Studies offers a concentration in religious diversity of North America.

Due to budgetary constraints, the Department of Religious Studies is severely limited in our ability to accept students studying on a study permit.

Please note: the Department of Religious Studies only has an undergraduate program and a PhD program. It does nothave a Masters (MA) program. For a list of Canadian MA programs in Religious Studies, please see the Masters Portal website.

Remote video URL

International students

Due to funding restrictions, the Faculty of Arts is currently limiting the number of international students we can admit. Please contact the department's Associate Chair, Graduate Studies prior to applying to discuss your interest in this program.

Contact us

Scott Kline, Chair
St. Jerome's University, SH 1201 or
University of Waterloo, PAS 1054
519-888-4567 x 28289

Jeff Wilson, Graduate Officer
University of Waterloo
Renison University College, REN 1113
519-884-4404 x 28625

Meena Sharify-Funk, Director, Laurier-Waterloo PhD Program & Graduate Officer
Wilfrid Laurier University, DAWB 2-114
519-884-0710 x 3966

Erich Fox Tree, Chair
Wilfrid Laurier University, Dr. Alvin Woods Building, Room 2-119

Priti Nayak, Graduate Coordinator
University of Waterloo, PAS 1055
519-888-4567 x 43497