A Religious Studies major will prepare you to work in Canada’s multicultural society and participate meaningfully in the global economy. Knowledge about diverse religious traditions and their historical roots, and an increased awareness of different cultural values provides a solid foundation for a variety of careers and community engagement.
The study of religion(s) is interdisciplinary. It draws on a variety of disciplines from the social sciences and humanities such as sociology and philosophy to name just two. Students learn critical thought and analysis applied to a variety of issues across cultures and through time.
The world’s religions provide thoughtful models of how people have dealt with the fundamental questions of human life: death and suffering, and the meaning and purpose of life, for example. Learn how religions as disparate as Christianity and Buddhism have approached these questions. Art, literature, film, and culture have traditionally drawn on religious themes, and this remains the case today. A background in Religious Studies provides an insight into understanding these works
Religion is in the headlines
Turn on any news program, and you will hear debates about a wide variety of topics related to religion, politics, and ethics. Religion sets the stage for today’s world events, from war to peace movements, ethnic cleansing to human rights. It is crucial that we learn about this force that has great potential for both promoting peace and worsening conflict. Discussing and studying religion forms educated, thoughtful individuals. add link to news
You want a degree that will lead to a career
Employers want people who can think for themselves, understand people, and communicate effectively. In Religious Studies, you will learn strong reasoning, writing, and critical thinking skills. You will explore the “big picture” while also learning to understand different worldviews. Religious Studies develops key skills for any career you pursue.
Where will a Religious Studies degree take you?
It is hard to imagine your next steps after university. But wherever you end up, knowledge of the religious traditions of the people with whom you interact is essential. Graduates of our Religious Studies program have gone on to careers in journalism, law, social work, medicine, international development, business, publishing, teaching, counseling, government, and chaplaincy.
Religious Studies opens you to the world and its peoples, to ancient times and today
Studying religion can build tolerance and the ability to understand others. Religion matters. Take a look at this article by Harvard professor William A. Graham: "Why Study Religion in the Twenty-First Century: Greater religious literacy leads to more work for the common good."