Sign up for a One-on-one Meet-up

Our Renison Student Experience & Housing team are dedicated in ensuring you have a vibrant student experience! 

We are here to support you help you thrive during your studies and have access to the supports and resources available to ensure your personal, academic, and career success. One of the ways we do this is by offering one-on-one meet-ups with students. 

These meetings are usually 30 minutes in length, but can be customized for a shorter or longer time if needed.

During a one-on-one meet-up, we can chat about anything related to your personal and academic success. Some of the most common subjects that students talk about during a meet-up include:

  • Study strategies, including textbook skim/scanning, notes reviews, test taking tips and dealing with test anxiety
  • Time management help and helping you organize all of your assignments, tests, study time—and find time to attend events also!
  • Questions about life at Waterloo and being a successful student
  • Support with adjusting to life in Canada and the city of Waterloo
  • Thriving while living in a student residence, and tips for how to make the most of your residence experience
  • Conversations about mental health wellness and how to build healthy strategies into your day-to-day schedule.
  • English practice! Just meet with us and practice your conversational English. We can talk about anything you like!

Want to book a one-on-one meet-up?

To book a one-on-one meet-up, find the person on this page you would like to meet with. Click the "Register for a Meet-up" button under their name. This will take you to a website called Calendly where you can book a meeting time that works best for your schedule. A meeting reminder email will be sent to you that will confirm your meeting date, time, and location. If you booked a virtual meeting, the email will include a Zoom link.

Dons gathered around the Renison sign
Black and Gold Day
Students with Reni Moose

Renison Residence Dons

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Residence Dons live in Renison Residence and support students on their floor and in the entire residence community in their adjustment to university life and help you connect with other students to ensure you have a memorable experience.

Renison Residence Dons

Meet with Thalia Criollo Guerrero

Don Thalia

Thalia Criollo Guerrero is a senior Honours Music student in the Faculty of Arts at Waterloo. As an international student from Ecuador, Thalia understands how it feels adjusting to a new culture and also feelings of homesickness. 

You can connect with Thalia to chat about many things including: 

  • The many resources that Waterloo has to help you succeed academically, professionally, individually, and socially. 
  • Adjusting to a new culture and living in residence. 
  • Making friends and getting used to study life at Waterloo.

Meet with David Wheatle

Don David

David Wheatle is an upper-year Mechanical Engineering student from Montego Bay, Jamaica. He loves making friends at campus events and rock climbing at the PAC Gym! He’s a friendly face with lots of experience studying in STEM and a great resource for study tips!

Meet with David about:

  • Adapting to a Canadian Culture
  • Co-op experience
  • Engineering-specific questions

Meet with Auz Momin

Auz Momin

Auz Momin is an upper-year Psychology student who grew up in Houston, Texas but now calls Barrie, Ontario home. He is very excited to be connecting with students again returning to his don role. He loves spending time at Renison and getting involved in any way he can! His favourite Renison memory was wearing the lion costume for the Lion Dance at the One Sky Festival.

Meet with Auz about:

  • Building your leadership skills
  • Co-op experience
  • Maximizing your time during exams

Meet with Matthew Athanasopoulos

Don Matthew

Matthew Athanasopoulos is a third-year Nanotechnology Engineering student from Toronto, Ontario. He loves going for hikes and is currently on a 6-month streak of walking over 10,000 steps each day! As a very involved student, Matthew loves chatting with students about residence and community events.

Meet with Matthew about:

  • Communication and leadership skills
  • Getting connected with main campus
  • Understanding your financial situation as a student and setting a budget

Meet with Ishita Bisla

Don Ishita

Ishita Bisla is an Accounting & Finance Management student who loves reading and writing! She is always happy to share book recommendations and hear about what you’re reading. One of Ishita’s favourite memories at Renison is the move-in barbecue with all the residence students.

Meet with Ishita about:

  • Building leadership skills
  • Overcoming homesickness and culture shock
  • Volunteering and finding part-time jobs in Waterloo

English Language Institute (ELI) Peer Leaders

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Our English Language Institute (ELI) Peer Leaders provide specific support for English language learners studying in our Renison English Language Institute. The Peer Leaders provide one-on-one support and conversation practice for students, host educational workshops and fun social events, as well as facilitating bus trips to destinations across southwestern Ontario.

English Language Institute (ELI) Peer Leaders

Meet with Selena Zheng (EFAS Peer Leader)

Selena Zheng

Selena Zheng is studying Biomedical Science. She loves to travel! Her favourite travel destinations have been Hawaii and Hokkaido, Japan because she loved the culture, scenery, and kindness of the people she met. 

Meet with Selena about:

  • Overcoming homesickness and culture shock.
  • Support in STEM programs.
  • Preparing for interviews and oral presentations.

Meet with Karina Fu (Summer Programs Peer Leader)

Karina Fu

Karina Fu has been a peer leader with Renison for over two years! Karina is always excited to meet new groups of students and connect with as many people as possible. She is a past BASE student from Panama and has lots of knowledge about Canadian life!

Meet with Karina about:

  • Exploring Waterloo and Ontario
  • Sharing your home culture while learning about other cultures
  • Stepping outside of your comfort zone

Meet with Caitlyn Yelle (iEFAS Peer Leader)

Caitlyn Yelle

Caitlyn Yelle is an upper-year Arts student studying Social Development Studies. She is very involved in the Renison community, sitting on the Renison Academic Student Council (RASC) for multiple terms. Caitlyn’s hometown is Niagara Falls so she can share lots of tips for visiting the city on our bus trips!

Meet with Caitlyn about:

  • Volunteering, finding part time jobs, and getting involved on campus.
  • Time management skills and due dates.
  • Exploring Waterloo and Ontario. 

Meet with Prerak Arora (iEFAS Peer Leader)

Prerak Arora

Prerak Arora is an upper-year student from India. He loves going on hikes and playing soccer. Prerak is very knowledgeable on ways to overcome homesickness and making connections in your first year. He has co-op experience and is always a smiling face in the Renison community.

Meet with Prerak about:

  • Building leadership skills
  • Overcoming homesickness and sharing your home culture
  • Support for studying in STEM programs at Waterloo

Meet with Cindy Da (iBASE Peer Leader)

Cindy Da

Cindy Da is a former student in the iBASE program and from Shanghai, China. Cindy is currently studying Honours Economics in the faculty of Arts. She loves musicals and badminton and grew up in a bilingual family. Cindy is a big foodie and would love to take the time to show new students around Waterloo and find the best places to eat.

Meet with Cindy about:

  • Communication and English language skills.
  • Finding resources and getting connected with main campus.
  • Volunteering and getting involved in university.

Meet with Janna Carroll-Woolery (EFAS Peer Leader)

Janna Woolery

Janna Carroll-Woolery is in her final year of Liberal Arts. She has spent time studying abroad in Japan (twice!) and is passionate about learning about other cultures. Her family has been a homestay family for multiple years, and she loves showing new students around her hometown of Waterloo.

Meet with Janna about:

  • Adapting to a Canadian culture
  • Support for getting connected to your advisors and instructors and other services on campus
  • English and communication skills practice

Meet with Yoshi Nishimura (Summer Programs Peer Leader)

Yoshi Nishimura

Yoshi Nishimura is currently on a three-term exchange program from Tohoku University in Japan. He loves a good dad joke, learning about new cultures, and eating burritos. Yoshi will never turn down the opportunity to learn a new language, find a new restaurant to try, or share pieces of Japanese culture with you.

Meet with Yoshi about:

  • Adapting to a Canadian culture and embracing your home culture in Canada!
  • Leadership experiences and getting involved.
  • Building communication skills. 

Meet with Jake Qiu (iEFAS Peer Leader)

Jake Qiu

Jake Qiu is an upper-year Mathematics student from Shanghai. He loves solving problems and making new friends. He has lots of great tips about completing the BASE program and moving to a new country. He’s a great resource for finding food in the Waterloo area and local travel.

Meet with Jake about:

  • Time management and study tips
  • Connecting with instructors and academic advisors
  • STEM program support

Meet with Rubee Kung (iEFAS Peer Leader)


Rubee Kung is a former BASE student and always eager to make connections with new friends. She is in her 2B term of Psychology in the faculty of Arts. Full of energy, Rubee is a great resource for learning about events or finding things to do in the Waterloo region!

Meet with Rubee about:

  • Time management and study skills.
  • Overcoming homesickness and culture shock.
  • Mental health supports and self-care.

Meet with Jonny Lin (iBASE Peer Leader)

Jonny Lin

Jonny Lin is an international student from Guangzhou, China who has lived in Canada for the past five years! Before studying in Honours Mathematical Economics, Jonny completed the BASE program and has spent lots of time being an active member of the Renison community. He loves playing video games and sports, and is always happy to stop and chat between classes!

Meet with Jonny about:

  • BASE study tips and transitioning onto main campus.
  • Mental health supports and resources available on campus.
  • Learning about other cultures and sharing your home culture with the community.

Student Experience Peer Leaders

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The Student Experience Peer Leader specifically supports all daytime degree students studying at Renison by helping you get involved in your Renison community.

Student Experience Peer Leaders

Check back in September to meet your Student Experience Peer Leaders!

Residence Experience Peer Leaders

House with confetti icon

Residence Experience Peer Leaders support students living in Renison Residence by organizing events, workshops, and study sessions for Renison Residence. The Peer Leaders also specifically support students in the BASE, WALC, and SDS Living-Learning Communities.

Residence Experience Peer Leaders

Check back in September to meet your Residence Experience Peer Leaders!

Social Development Studies (SDS) Peer Leaders

Book with heart icon

Social Development Studies is a degree program offered by Renison University College. The SDS Peer Leaders help to support students in their adjustment to university life by hosting a variety of educational workshops, study sessions, social sessions, networking events with Faculty, as well as one-on-one peer support.

Social Development Studies (SDS) Peer Leaders

Check back in September to meet your Social Development Studies Peer Leaders!

Student Experience and Housing (SEAH) Staff

hand and heart icon

The Student Experience and Housing (SEAH) team is here to support all Renison students through housing, activities, academic support, English language support, and more. You can meet with a member of the SEAH team to ask any questions, get referrals to main-campus supports, or just chat about life in university. The team is always here to connect with you.

Student Experience and Housing Staff

Meet with AJ Dixon

AJ Dixon

English Language Institute Student Advisor

Office: REN 1930 (English Language Institute Hub)

A.J. completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Victoria with bachelor's degrees in Education and Arts. As a Student Advisor, A.J. is here to support students in our English language programs during their academic journey. A.J. can help you with:

  • Effective learning strategies and study habits for Canadian university life
  • Time management strategies so you can keep track of tests, assignments, and appointments
  • Effective note-taking skills and getting the most out of your courses
  • Preparing for tests and quizzes and reducing test anxiety
  • Conversation practice and sharing what he knows about Canadian history and culture

Meet with Ryan Connell

Ryan Connell

Assistant Director, Student Experience & Housing

Office: REN 1108 (Renison Ministry Centre)

Ryan is a proud graduate from the Social Development Studies program at the University of Waterloo. As your Assistant Director, Student Experience & Housing, Ryan is very knowledgeable about all of the campus services and resources available to University of Waterloo students. Ryan grew up in a small town called Thunder Bay in Northern Ontario, and he is addicted to iced cappuccinos from Tim Horton's. Some of Ryan's most popular things to talk about include:

  • All of the campus services available to you as a Waterloo student and what you are able to access to support your academic and personal success
  • Mental health wellness and strategies to improve your well-being as a university student 
  • Advice for studying in an online environmentFun fact: Ryan completed his UWaterloo degree, two college certificates, and a Masters degree completely online
  • Tips for adjusting to Canadian culture and building your language skills outside of the classroom

Meet with Laura Mutton

Laura Mutton

Administrative Assistant

Office: REN 0208 (Student Experience & Housing Hallway)

Laura is a graduate of the Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies program at the University of Waterloo and St. Jerome’s University. Following the completion of her undergraduate degree, Laura completed her Master of Education in Social Justice Education at OISE at the University of Toronto. Laura can assist you with questions related to Renison residence, as well as Student Experience events and activities. Some things you can discuss with Laura include:

  • Questions related to living in Renison Residence, as well as off-campus in our local community, including Homestay
  • Support with living on your own for your first time and how to navigate the transition
  • Suggestions for effectively living with a roommate and having a fun experience in Residence 
  • How to get involved in your Renison community

Meet with Allison Marlowe

Allison Marlowe

Student Experience Coordinator

Office: REN 0209 (Student Experience & Housing Hallway)

Allison Marlowe loves learning about new cultures. While she studied Social Development Studies at Renison, she also participated in a study abroad experience to Denmark. Allison has also studied in the ACE-TESOL program at Renison to teach English. She is now currently studying her Master of Education while supporting students at Renison. Allison lived in Renison Residence during her first year of university and participated on Renisix student council. 

Popular things that Allison helps students with include: 

  • Navigating culture shock and adjusting to new environments, including homesickness
  • How to thrive as a university student by learning about the student services and resources available to you 
  • How to get involved and make the most of your student experience at Renison 
  • Conversation practice and chatting about pop culture, including Taylor Swift

Meet with Jen Burton

Jen Burton

Housing Manager

Office: REN 0207 (Student Experience & Housing Hallway)

Jen is an alumna from Brock University in St. Catharine's where she studied Business Communications. As a proud Blue Jays fan, Jen is here to talk about all things baseball. You may also meet our honourary Reni-friends around Renison - Jen's children, Bryce and Hailey. As our Housing Manager, Jen is here to support students in having a meaningful residence experience. Jen can help you with:

  • Questions related to living in Renison Residence, as well as off-campus in our local community
  • Support with living on your own for your first time and how to navigate the transition
  • Suggestions for effectively living with a roommate and having a fun experience in Residence 
  • How to get involved in your Renison community

Meet with Rev. Scott McLeod

Scott McLeod


Office: REN 1108 (Renison Ministry Centre)

Rev. Scott McLeod is the Chaplain at Renison University College. Scott is a friendly face and a safe space to talk about anything and everything. Scott enjoys talking about spiritual questions, but you don’t have to talk about religion unless you want to. Some of the most popular things Scott likes to help with include:

  • Mental health wellness and strategies to improve your well-being as a university student, including managing stress.
  • Guidance to student services at the University of Waterloo as well as referrals to professional medical and health services in the local community.
  • Spiritual care including acting as a spiritual director, helping students with faith questions, and valuing our spiritual lives. 
  • Pastoral care including being a listening ear, a safe person to talk to, and supporting people as they live through life's struggles.

Meet with Stefany Kraft

Stefany Kraft

Student Experience Coordinator

Office: REN 0206 (Student Experience & Housing Hallway)

Stefany Kraft is the queen of all things Renison! Stefany is a proud graduate from UWaterloo, where she double majored in Peace and Conflict Studies and Renison's Social Development Studies program. Stefany also completed her Bachelor of Social Work at Renison, where she completed her practicum in our Student Experience & Housing department as a Wellness Coordinator. During her undergraduate degree, Stefany worked as an English Language Institute Peer Leader, and volunteered extensively, including with Renison Academic Student Council (RASC) and as the student representative for Renison's Board of Governors. Stefany is here to help students have a phenomenal Renison experience. You can connect with Stefany to talk about:

  • Mental health wellness and strategies to improve your well-being as a university student, including managing stress
  • Guidance to student services at the University of Waterloo and what resources are available as a Waterloo student 
  • How to get involved and make the most of your student experience at Renison 
  • Conversation practice and learning more about life in Canada

Meet with Tim Farley

Tim Farley

Manager, Food Services and Special Projects

Office: Renison Cafeteria

Tim Farley is our Head Chef at Renison but his portfolio of responsibilities includes being our Manager, Food Services and Special Projects, including support with our Facilities team. Tim loves to talk about food and is here to support you with anything to ensure you have a nutritious and delicious experience while at Renison!

You can meet with Tim to chat about:

  • Any dietary requirements or restrictions needed to enjoy your regular meals in the Cafeteria
  • Tips for how to navigate the meal options in the Cafeteria each day, and how to find what you need to have a great meal
  • How to access your meals when you have classes, work, or other life responsibilities during the regular meal times when the Cafeteria are open. 

Moose Tracks Connection Desk Assistants

Our Moose Tracks Connection Desk is a "students helping students" front desk at the college that provides support for students. Moose Tracks provides wayfinding and directions around the college, sells snacks and drinks, distributes packages for students in residence, and helps students with questions about life at the University of Waterloo and Renison. 

While the Moose Tracks Connection Desk Assistants don't offer one-on-one meet-ups, you can always say hi to them at the desk and ask for help with wayfinding or getting connected with other student leaders and the SEAH team.

Meet your Connection Desk Assistant team!

Tim Zou

Tim Zhou

Hometown: British Columbia

Program: Computer Engineering

Fun fact: I love chicken burgers!

First-year tip: Be open to new and unfamiliar opportunities.

Favourite memory: During the trick-or-eat activity, I went out with other Renison students and staffs to collect donations for the food bank. I really like this memory because it allows me to contribute to the local community in a better place.

Beatrice Tjong

Beatrice Tjong

Hometown: Markham, Ontario

Program: Sociology

Fun fact: I have a pet schnoodle named Schnooky and a weiner dog named Maisy. I love dogs but especially dachshunds!!

First-year tip: Don't skip class!! It is so easy to get into that habit that will snowball and you will regret it!

Favourite memory: Feeding the nice ducks (not geese) around campus. 

Aislinn Mokngar Mali

Aislinn Mali

Hometown: Waterloo

Program: Sociology

Fun fact: I was born in France

First-year tip: Get involved in clubs and campus activities

Favourite memory: All night study sessions with friends in SLC

Tianyu Qiu

Tianyu Qiu

Hometown: Qingdao, China

Program: Economics

Fun Fact: I have 2 cats both adopted from a rescue centre.

First-year tip: Study! Study! Study! It may give first-year students the wrong impression that university will be easy and that they should enjoy a social life that they have never experienced before. However, just from my point of view, first year helps us to get into a routine of studying at university. Don't waste it! (But also enjoy your time in uni, so spend your time wisely!!)

Favorite Renison/UWaterloo memory: Most of my university friends that I still have contact with are those that I knew from iBASE. It was a wonderful 7 weeks before my actual university program started. 

Chenlu Liu

Chenlu Liu

Hometown: Jinhua, China

Program: Arts and Business

Fun Fact: I am super good at cooking and baking! My friends call me chef! I love travelling! I have a turtle who is older than me!

First-year tip: Go to make more friends from different faculty. Hand out with friends to explore more about Waterloo City, and use the resources from campus efficiently!

Favourite memory:  My favourite Renison memory will be my time studying Korea101 during the spring of 2023. I had the delicious Kimbap from a Korean culture event.

Student Experience Program Assistants (co-op)

Our Student Experience Program Assistants are co-op positions that support behind-the-scenes in the success of many Renison events, as well as assisting with many administrative projects such as airport bus pick-up for international students, supporting in data management, and various special projects.

You can find the Student Experience Program Assistants them in REN 0209. They are a great resource for connecting with other members of the SEAH team, event information, mental health support, and sharing their own experiences in co-op and UWaterloo.

Meet your Student Experience Program Assistants

Simran Mukkar

Simran Mukkar

Hometown: Brampton

Program: Psychology, co-op

Fun fact: I have a twin sister and we're both born on Halloween!

First-year tip: Take a moment to relax! First year can be extremely busy and stressful, but remember that you got this. 

Favourite memory: I love being greeted by Scott, the Chaplain at Renison. :) 

Natalie Nichol

Natalie Nichol

Hometown: Atwood

Program: Public Health and Social Development Studies

Fun fact: I have 5 siblings and I love to swim

First-year tip: I would advise students to ask questions. It is so great to ask lots of questions to professors, TA's, upper years and anyone else. You learn so much and make great connections!

Favourite memory: I think being able to work here has provided me with so many amazing memories. It would probably be when I worked the carnival, as that really was such a fun event!