Wellness at Renison

Wellness at Renison
  • Renison University College

We care about your well-being!

Renison is committed to providing a positive, healthy community which is responsive to the needs of students.  This page helps to connect you to supports and resources that prioritize your physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. 

One-on-one meet-up support at Renison

Our Renison Student Experience & Housing team provide both virtual or in-person one-on-one meet-ups. 

We are here to support you help you thrive during your studies and have access to the supports and resources available to ensure your personal, academic, and career success. One of the ways we do this is by offering one-on-one meet-ups with students. 

These meetings are usually 30 minutes in length, but can be customized for a shorter or longer time if needed.

During a one-on-one meet-up, we can chat about anything related to your personal and academic success.

Connect with Renison's Chaplain


The Renison Chaplain is an Anglican priest who is responsible for the spiritual and pastoral care for the college, as well as the wider university.

Scott McLeod
519-884-4404 Ext. 28705
Room: REN 1108B

Scott is a friendly face and a safe space to talk about anything and everything. Scott enjoys talking about spiritual questions, but you don't have to talk about religion unless you want to. 

Some of the most popular things Scott likes to help with include: 

  • Mental health wellness and strategies to improve your well-being as a university student, including managing stress. 
  • Guidance to student services at the University of Waterloo as well as referrals to professional medical and health services in the local community. 
  • Pastoral care, including being a listening ear, safe person to talk to, and supporting people as they live through life's struggles. 
  • Spiritual care, including acting as a spiritual director, helping students with faith questions, and valuing our spiritual lives. 

Some Fun Facts about Scott

Education: Bachelor of Music in Performance (Jazz), Master of Divinity 
Interests: Music, Justice, Hiking/Camping, Community, Coffee, Motorcycles, Spirituality, Martial Arts, Conversation, Family
Quote to live by:  

Breathe; go gently. You are loved, you are a beloved child of God, you are a beautiful human person.

Sexual violence prevention and response

Blue bird

The Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office (SVPRO) at the University of Waterloo supports all members of the Waterloo campus community who have experienced, or been impacted, by sexual violence. This includes all students, staff, faculty and visitors at Renison. 

The Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office (SVPRO) is not a crisis service. If you are in crisis, please access the Crisis Support Services webpage.

Options for clinical support

It is important if you are feeling like you are struggling to seek help as soon as you can. You can visit a Campus Wellness office like Counselling Services or Health Services or any of the other wellness services on or near campus to get the help you need.

If you live in Ontario:
Counselling Services at the University of Waterloo

If you live in Canada:
Wellness Together Canada

If you live in an international location and are a Waterloo degree student:
This document lists international phone numbers.

Remote video URL
Remote video URL

Options for crisis support

If you live in Waterloo: 
Here 24/7 - 1-844-437-3247 or 519-821-3582 
Sexual Assault Support Centre Support Line for Sexual Violence Survivors - 519-741-8633

If you live in Canada: 
Good2Talk Support Line for Post-secondary Students - 1-866-925-5454 (includes Mandarin translation support!)
Crisis Services Canada - Dial 1-833-456-4566 

If you live in an international location: 
International Association for Suicide Prevention


Options for health care

The University of Waterloo offers a Student Medical Clinic and a Family Health Clinic. The Student Medical Clinic offers health care visits with both male and female doctors and nurses. Their offices are located near Renison at the Health Services building across from the Student Life Centre (SLC). It is a short two-minute walk away from Renison University College. Walk-in medical appointments are available on a limited basis each day. To otherwise book an appointment in advance, call directly at 519-888-4096.

For information about health care options in the local community, please visit the Health Care Options webpage.

The closest walk-in clinic to Renison University College is the Waterloo Clinic located in the University Shops Plaza. They will accept patients without an appointment.

Health Services

Food support programs

Community Fridge & Community Cupboard at Renison

Addressing food insecurity, the Community Fridge at Renison is a joint project between Renison University College and WUSA Food Support Service.

This new initiative at Renison is open anytime during the hours when the Renison building is open, providing fresh fruits and vegetables, pre-made food such as soups, and other important fresh food staples. The Community Fridge is accompanied by the Community Cupboard which has dry goods – non-perishable food items, toiletries, and dish and laundry soaps and other items as donated, including some pet food.

This resource is available for anyone who is experiencing food insecurity. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or concerns, you can email Renison.foodsecurity@uwaterloo.ca .

Community Fridge & Cupboard

Free food drop-off

Food hamper

In partnership with the WUSA Food Support Service, Renison will occasionally provide free food in our Renison Cafeteria space for students in need are invited to access. 

WUSA Food Support Service provides food hampers to all students, staff, and faculty who have a WatCard. Students are invited to request a hamper through their website. 

In addition, there are many emergency food programs in Waterloo Region available. Helpful apps to access include Too Good to Go and Flashfood.

Renison is investigating more ways in which we can support students with food security. If you have any ideas or wish to collaborate on this initiative, please contact Scott McLeod, Renison Chaplain by email or in his office in Room 1108 (Renison). 


Student Wellness and Advocacy Committee

The Student Wellness and Advocacy Committee is an opportunity for student members to share input about student wellness needs, as well as advocacy needs and issues based on student perspective from personal experience and/or peers’ experiences at Renison.  As a committee, we will work on several areas:

Advocacy and Advisory work:

Icon of a group of people sitting around a table
  • Making recommendations to relevant leadership at Renison for how to best serve student life and wellness. The committee also serves as an advisory to Renison’s Managers and Directors Group (MDG) on issues facing and related to students; in this way, the committee serves to promote the collective voice of students on issues that our senior leadership/administration may advocate for with internal or external stakeholders.
  • Advising and supporting all Renison students, outside of their courses and when other resources have been spent, are unavailable, or unknown, with issues such as:
    • student conduct appeals (student life and residence),
    • sexual violence response,
    • issues of harassment,
    • physical safety/accident/slip and fall response,
    • physical accessibility concerns (coordinating with Renison’s Accessibility Committee),
    • and other issues, such as invisible barriers, as they emerge.  

Event planning: planning and executing two listening events per year, to get input and feedback from students around wellness and issues they may be facing or dealing with.

Food Security: supporting the Community Fridge and Community Cupboard at Renison in promoting food security for students. Also, seeking to improve awareness and access to Food Security resources on and off campus by providing relevant information through flyers and online information about Renison, UW and Community resources.

Improving awareness and access to resources: working with relevant Renison areas, we hope to improve the availability of flyers and online information about wellness resources at Renison and UW so that students know what to access.

The committee hosts two 1.5-hour meetings per term and additional 2 hours per month is spent on the implementation of advocacy and wellness initiatives outside the meeting times.


Student Wellness and Advocacy Committee

Spaces for Well-being at Renison

Multi-faith Prayer Space

In partnership with the Muslim Student Association and Renison Academic Student Council, your Student Experience and Housing team has developed a new multi-faith prayer space at Renison.

This space, located in Room 0103 in the basement level (below the Renison Ministry Centre & Lusi Wong Library), is in the previously-known Study Cave room area. 

Visit the Waterloo Chaplains webpage for information about places of worship in Waterloo region.  


Scott McLeod, Chaplain
Office: Room 1108 (Renison Ministry Centre)

Quiet Space at Renison

Room 0203C is the Bryant Family Quiet Space. This room is a dedicated quiet space to allow for peace and meditation, a quiet space for individuals with sensory sensitivities, as well as Renison's First Aid Room, equipped with a first aid kit and bed. This room is located in the hallway adjacent to Housing staff and Marketing and Recruitment staff.

Questions? Feedback about the space?

Ryan Connell, Assistant Director, Student Experience & Housing
Office: Room 1108 (Renison Ministry Centre)

Additionally, St. Bede's Chapel is an additional quiet space available for meditation and prayer. A piano is also available in this space for private practice.

Quiet Space

Ministry Centre

The Luscott Ministry Centre is located in Room 1108 at Renison, across the hallway from the Lusi Wong Library. Also known as the "Living Room" for Renison, it is a space inclusive of all students. Outside of the Ministry Centre, students can find a puzzle they can work on when they require quiet contemplation. Within the doors of the centre, students can find a kitchen space where students are invited to make their own cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate. Mugs and supplies are available in the cupboards and are open to all students to access anytime. Another popular feature of the Ministry Centre is our filtered hot water tap that is perfect for drinking! Many international students lovingly call this space "the cookie room" thanks to the ample supply of cookies served during the day.

Within the Ministry Centre, students can access board games, playing cards, sports supplies, and a place to just relax on our couches. We also have a therapy lamp available for students who could benefit from Vitamin D on a cold winter day! 

At the back of the Ministry Centre are the offices for Scott McLeod, Renison's Chaplain, and Ryan Connell, the Assistant Director of Student Experience & Housing. Students are welcome to connect with either Scott or Ryan anytime they have a question or just need to chat. 

Ministry Centre

St. Bede's Chapel

The Chapel is open 24 hours a day (for Renison residents) and may be used as a quiet place for prayer or meditation. It is accessible for anyone living elsewhere whenever the college is open. In addition to this, by booking with the Chaplain, it is available to musicians or musical groups as practice space, or by other groups for any purpose consistent with its basic nature as a place of worship and prayer. 

St. Bede's Chapel is located on the second floor of the Luxton Building at the west end of the Great Hall. You can also enter directly from the upper parking lot. 

St. Bede's Chapel

Wellness events and workshops

Check out the many student events and workshops provided through our Renison Student Experience and Housing team. The Renison student events calendar will include many wellness events and workshops each month to support students. 

Some of the most popular wellness events include:

  • Therapy dogs
  • Craft night to de-stress
  • Thrive Day events
  • Bell Let's Talk Day events
  • Renison Intramurals sports

Web resources

Learn from the experts! University of Waterloo Campus Wellness provides a comprehensive website with resources related to various wellness topics

Our Student Experience & Housing team also provide many virtual workshop recordings to health and wellness events that you can watch in your free time. 

Renison and University of Waterloo Resources Poster

For convenient access across Renison, a listing of many Renison University College and University of Waterloo services have been consolidated into a useful resource poster that is available throughout the college. An electronic PNG version is available for download.

Supports and Resources

Your input!

Is there more that Renison can do to support your mental health and wellness? Share your feedback in our web form below. Your input helps us to learn what is important to our student community.