Living-learning communities

Renison's residence is home to three living-learning communities

  • Social Development Studies (SDS)

  • Warrior Academic Leadership Community (WALC)

  • Bridge to Academic Success in English (BASE)

What is a living-learning community?

Renison's living-learning communities are an academically supported living arrangement where SDS, WALC, and BASE students are grouped together in "clusters" in our residence.

Your friends, roommates, and classmates are all rolled into one, which means you'll get the best of both worlds. You'll find a small, caring place to call home that will help you focus on your studies.

SDS Living-Learning Community

All first-year SDS students are part of the Living-Learning Community at Renison, and those who choose to live in residence get grouped into "clusters" of students living within the larger residence community. This arrangement gives you the opportunity to live near classmates and meet people from other academic programs.

Whether you're staying up late to study for a test or getting together to work on a group project, it's reassuring to know that those around you are sharing similar experiences.

Community benefits

  • Live near peers who are taking similar classes - peers play a critical role in your support network
  • Connect with a Peer Leader - an upper-year student who shares their experience with you and facilitates "academic check-ins"
  • Meet and get to know your professors outside the classroom; while establishing networks with other faculty, staff, alumni, and upper-year students from your program and faculty
  • Enhance in-class learning by participating in academic events supported by the department and facilitated by your Peer Leader for all first-year SDS students (i.e. study skills sessions, writing help sessions, academic program information sessions)
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BASE Living-Learning Community

The BASE LLC is a group of students who are taking English classes at Renison in order to meet the English language requirements for the University of Waterloo while also living in residence.

We support international students

The BASE LLC brings students from many countries together to live and learn in an environment that supports their academic and extracurricular activities while learning English. In addition to providing support for students through workshops and sessions, the BASE LLC Peer Leader (an upper-year student) helps students navigate through life in Waterloo (Canada) and your first year in university.
Living in Renison does not mean you will only live with international students, however. You will be integrated in a floor community with both Canadian and international students so that you experience the best of both worlds! However, the benefit of Renison is that you are part of a community that already understands the unique needs of English language learners and who ensure you feel comfortable and supported at all Renison events!
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WALC Living-Learning Community

The Warrior Academic Leadership Community (WALC) is a group of incredible athletes who are taking their athletics and academics to the next level. WALC brings student athletes from many sports together to live and learn in an environment that supports their academic and extracurricular activities.

We provide leadership development

WALC students are not just athletes - they are leaders. The Peer Leaders provide opportunities for student-athletes to build and practice valuable leadership skills. These skills help athletes both on and off the court, rink, or field, and will become part of an arsenal that will benefit them for the rest of their lives.

We give back to the community

As student leaders WALC members are expected to give back to the community and encourage others to maximize their own potential. WALC members often fill important roles on student governments and councils, implement their own training and development sessions within the community, or participate in service learning opportunities such as Operation Christmas Child, Think Pink Campaign, and Relay for Life.

We are Warriors

The Warrior spirit is strong at Renison. Beyond the scope of WALC, Renison students regularly attend varsity games and cheer on our teams. We proudly display our own colours beside the black and gold of the University of Waterloo.

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Peer Leaders

Peer Leaders are experienced upper-year students who help facilitate the SDS, WALC and BASE LLCs by holding both social and academic-focused events and one-on-one support for the students they serve. They are friendly, knowledgeable and passionate about providing the best student experience! You can explore their profiles on the One-on-One Meet-ups page.

How to Apply

If you are applying through our First-year Housing Guarantee at the University of Waterloo, you will be able to select your Living-Learning Community interest when you apply for Residence. 

If you apply after the deadline, don't worry! All BASE students, SDS students, and WALC athletes will continue to be matched automatically to a Living-Learning Community.