The Family Health Clinic offers primary care appointments to dependants of registered international students, visiting scholars, visiting researchers, visiting faculty and post-doctorates.
These services are available for the duration of studies, and if needed, up to six months after graduation to support transfer of care.
Who can use this service:
Current undergraduate and graduate students
Visiting scholars, visiting researchers, visiting faculty and post-doctorates, without physicians in Ontario
Dependents, without physicians in Ontario
Sponsored family members, without physicians in Ontario
Jump to: Book an Appointment | Cancellations and Arriving Late | Completing Your Degree
Call Campus Wellness at 519-888-4096 and let us know the dependents or family members you wish to register.
After calling us you will be sent a link with a registration form to fill out and instructions on next steps.
Note: The Family Health Clinic does not take walk-in appointments. If you, your spouse, or children require urgent care, please call us during business hours or see a list of walk-in clinics in the Region of Waterloo.
Email us: For those who are unable to call due to accessibility concerns, please email indicating that you are unable to book by phone, along with the above-mentioned information. Please note that this email address is not monitored 24/7 and cannot support urgent or emergency requests.
Cancellations: If you need to cancel or change your appointment for any reason please call 519-888-4096, 24-hours notice must be given.
If you do not give notice and do not come for your appointment, you may be subject to a missed appointment charge.
Arriving late for your appointment could result in:
Having to reschedule your doctor's appointment
A missed appointment charge
Longer waiting times for yourself and others
Completing Your Degree
Leaving the University in the next six months?
Campus Wellness, Health Services (including the Family Health and Student Medical Clinics) are able to serve you and your family while you are a registered University of Waterloo student, visiting scholar or post-doctoral student.
- Within six (6) months of graduation or completion of your contract with the University, your health care and the health care of your family members must be transferred to a physician off campus.
- If you are on academic hiatus and plan to return to your studies within the next six (6) months, you are welcome to continue your health care with our physicians and nurses.
- If you need assistance searching for a physician off campus, please refer to the following website: Find a Family Doctor or Nurse Practioner