Internship, Volunteer and Paid Opportunities

peer health education booth

Develop hands on experience through our internship program or diverse volunteer opportunities in the health and well-being field.  

Why take part: 

  • Gain practical skills and experience  

  • Make a meaningful impact 

  • Connect with others 

Volunteer and Paid Opportunities 

Campus Wellness Student Advisory Committee 

The Student Advisory Committee (SAC) plays a crucial role in improving the quality of services and supports at Campus Wellness (CW). SAC provides input and recommendations to enhance CW services, represent client perspectives, and support client engagement and client-centered care practices. SAC is made up of both undergraduate and graduate students.  

This is a paid position. 

Learn more about SAC

Campus Response Team 

Do you have a valid First Aid and CPR certification? Are you interested in becoming a campus first responder? Apply to join the Campus Response Team (CRT) today and provide first aid coverage and support to the UWaterloo main campus.  

This is a volunteer position. 

Learn more about CRT or request them at your event

Peer Health Education 

Peer Health Education (PHE) is a program that promotes evidence-based information about health behaviours for to support holistic wellbeing and academic success.  

Peer Health Educators work with Campus Wellness staff to plan and implement outreach, events, and health campaigns  related to: 

  • Mental health  
  • Physical health 
  • Sexual health  
  • Harem reduction for substance use 

Peer Health Educators also promote on- and off- campus resources, If you are interested in getting involved on campus, please fill out our volunteer form. 

This is a paid position.  

Peer Health Education Volunteer Application 

Internship Opportunities

Masters Level Internship Program – Counselling Services  

The Counselling Services Clinical Training Program offers a comprehensive, eight-month internship for Master's level students in Counselling Psychology, Social Work, and other counselling/psychology/psychotherapy-related disciplines.

During this internship placement, interns will engage in diverse clinical experiences, including individual counselling with a broad range of clients and group therapy/wellness programming, while under the supervision of a team member. There will also be opportunities to take part in additional professional development opportunities. This program fosters skill development in various therapeutic approaches and prepares interns for professional roles in mental health services. 

Learn more about the internship program and how to apply. 

student talking to counsellor