Are you an English Language Institute student? Join the ELI Rep Volunteer Team!

Tuesday, January 10, 2023
A new term is here which means a new way to get involved, BASE and EFAS students!
The ELI Rep Committee is a volunteer opportunity that will allow BASE and EFAS students to build their communication, leadership and teamwork skills through the active planning, coordination and execution of an on-campus event for the University of Waterloo community.

This student leadership opportunity is designed for students who will be studying on campus for Winter 2023 in the BASE or EFAS programs.

Opportunities for Growth & Development

BASE and EFAS students who participate in the program will have the chance to:

  • Build volunteer experience through participation
  • Receive a letter of recognition for their involvement in the initiative
  • Strengthen their oral skills by communicating with native English speakers
  • Gain project management experience and build time management and organization skills by helping to organize a large in-person campus event
  • Feel more connected to the UWaterloo community through active civic engagement


To participate in the ELI Rep Committee, students will be required to:

  • Be a registered student in the BASE or EFAS program
  • Serve as a positive ambassador and role model for Renison University College
  • Attend 5-6 planning meetings throughout the term for a minimum of 1 hour
  • Attend the large on-campus event coordinated by the volunteer team
  • Be an active participant during the regular planning meetings and event and work to use English only during these meetings

Registration is now open

Learn more and complete the registration form online at .
ELI Rep Volunteer Team