This student leadership opportunity is designed for students who will be studying on campus for Winter 2023 in the BASE or EFAS programs.
Opportunities for Growth & Development
BASE and EFAS students who participate in the program will have the chance to:
- Build volunteer experience through participation
- Receive a letter of recognition for their involvement in the initiative
- Strengthen their oral skills by communicating with native English speakers
- Gain project management experience and build time management and organization skills by helping to organize a large in-person campus event
- Feel more connected to the UWaterloo community through active civic engagement
To participate in the ELI Rep Committee, students will be required to:
- Be a registered student in the BASE or EFAS program
- Serve as a positive ambassador and role model for Renison University College
- Attend 5-6 planning meetings throughout the term for a minimum of 1 hour
- Attend the large on-campus event coordinated by the volunteer team
- Be an active participant during the regular planning meetings and event and work to use English only during these meetings
Registration is now open