What is RASC?
The Renison Academic Student Committee (RASC) is a student leadership committee comprised of undergraduate Renison-registered students. The goals of RASC is to provide service-learning and student leadership opportunities to all Renison students that seek to enhance the overall Renison student experience while at university.
RASC seeks to engage members in proving a student perspective to the daily life and development of Renison University College.
The RASC Executive is comprised of the following positions:
- Co-Presidents
- RASC Representatives
Our Goals
Specific goals of RASC include:
- Initiate events that connect the student body together, with a focus on Renison-registered degree students; events may be academic or social in nature.
- Fundraise for an organization of RASC’s choice, including the Renison Student Urgent Needs Bursary.
- Arrange volunteer and service-learning event opportunities in the community with the objective to develop leadership experience and enhance community belonging via active contributions.
- Use student fees paid to RASC in appropriate and accountable ways to benefit the student body.
- Build a strong, inclusive community of student leadership within RASC that is committed to student belonging, growth, and personal development.
- Provide a student perspective on Renison’s Board of Governors and Academic Council.
Have a question for RASC? Contact us!
E-mail us! General inquiries can be sent to rasc@uwaterloo.ca
Events you’ve seen from us...
Re-fuel with RASC
RASC Breakfast with Mel's Diner
Rally with RASC
Charity fundraisers, including Trick-or-eat for Stock the Bank (Food Drive), Krispy Kreme Fundraiser for the Student Urgent Needs Bursary, Bake & Book Sale
Poutine/Pizza with Profs
Thrive week - hot chocolate kit give-away
RASC Photo Gallery
Join RASC this Fall 2024!
RASC is looking for enthusiastic student leaders who want to help make a difference in their Renison community.
Complete the registration form below and we will contact you when we have our next RASC meeting.