Renison Academic Student Committee

RASC Book and Bake Sale two students with books

What is RASC? 

The Renison Academic Student Committee (RASC) is a student leadership committee comprised of undergraduate Renison-registered students. The goals of RASC is to provide service-learning and student leadership opportunities to all Renison students that seek to enhance the overall Renison student experience while at university.

RASC seeks to engage members in proving a student perspective to the daily life and development of Renison University College.

The RASC Executive is comprised of the following positions:

  • Co-Presidents
  • RASC Representatives

Our Goals

Specific goals of RASC include:

  1. Initiate events that connect the student body together, with a focus on Renison-registered degree students; events may be academic or social in nature.
  2. Fundraise for an organization of RASC’s choice, including the Renison Student Urgent Needs Bursary.
  3. Arrange volunteer and service-learning event opportunities in the community with the objective to develop leadership experience and enhance community belonging via active contributions.
  4. Use student fees paid to RASC in appropriate and accountable ways to benefit the student body.
  5. Build a strong, inclusive community of student leadership within RASC that is committed to student belonging, growth, and personal development.
  6. Provide a student perspective on Renison’s Board of Governors and Academic Council.

Have a question for RASC? Contact us! 

E-mail us! General inquiries can be sent to

Events you’ve seen from us...

  • Re-fuel with RASC

  • RASC Breakfast with Mel's Diner

  • Rally with RASC

  • Charity fundraisers, including Trick-or-eat for Stock the Bank (Food Drive), Krispy Kreme Fundraiser for the Student Urgent Needs Bursary, Bake & Book Sale

  • Poutine/Pizza with Profs

  • Thrive week - hot chocolate kit give-away 

RASC's 2023-2024 Accomplishments

Join RASC this Winter 2024!

RASC is looking for enthusiastic student leaders who want to help make a difference in their Renison community. 

Complete the registration form below and we will contact you when we have our next RASC meeting.

Renison Academic Student Council Registration Form

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