This page provides basic information about HTML to help format your study description.
Study descriptions can end up being very hard to read without any paragraph breaks, so it's a good idea to add a few HTML tags to make your study description more visually appealing. Below are a few basic HTML tips to help with this.
Making line breaks and paragraphs
You can make a paragraph by adding in the proper code. If you want to start your next sentence on a new line, but not leave any spaces between lines, then insert "
" (without the quotation marks) where you want the line to end.
There are no anticipated risks associated with participation in this study. Your identity will be kept confidential. Information will be stored up to 7 years on a secure, password protected computer or server in a secure area in the Department of Psychology to which only authorized researchers have access. Your name will not be associated with the data collected by the computer. Furthermore, because the interest of this study is in the average responses of the entire group of participants, you will not be identified individually in any way in any written reports of this research.
If you insert "
" at the end of the second sentence:
There are no anticipated risks associated with participation in this study. Your identity will be kept confidential. Information will be stored up to 7 years on a secure, password protected computer or server in a secure area in the Department of Psychology to which only authorized researchers have access. Your name will not be associated with the data collected by the computer.
Furthermore, because the interest of this study is in the average responses of the entire group of participants, you will not be identified individually in any way in any written reports of this research.
Then the text appears like this:
There are no anticipated risks associated with participation in this study. Your identity will be kept confidential. Information will be stored up to 7 years on a secure, password protected computer or server in a secure area in the Department of Psychology to which only authorized researchers have access. Your name will not be associated with the data collected by the computer.
Furthermore, because the interest of this study is in the average responses of the entire group of participants, you will not be identified individually in any way in any written reports of this research.
If you wish to make a new paragraph and have a blank line between your paragraphs, then you should use the code "
". In the example above, if you inserted "
" (again, without the quotation marks) then your text would appear like this:
There are no anticipated risks associated with participation in this study. Your identity will be kept confidential. Information will be stored up to 7 years on a secure, password protected computer or server in a secure area in the Department of Psychology to which only authorized researchers have access. Your name will not be associated with the data collected by the computer.
Furthermore, because the interest of this study is in the average responses of the entire group of participants, you will not be identified individually in any way in any written reports of this research.
Making text bold, underlined, or italicised
If you wish to make a word or group of words bold, then you surround the relevant words in code. To start making bold text, insert the code "" (without the quotes). To stop making bold text, insert the code "". The use of underlining and italicised text does not meet accessibility policies and therefore will be removed by the REG Coordinator.
If you wanted to make an instruction appear in bold, then you would insert the command before and after the relevant text eg.
You must to the online portion 2 days before coming into the lab
The text would then appear like this:
You must do the online portion 2 days before coming into the lab.
Creating bullets/lists
To create a bulleted list precede the text with
This will show up as
- item 1
- item 2
To indent a section of text, precede and follow the text with
- and
Prior text
Indented text
Following Text
This will show up as
Prior text
- Indented text
Following text
Drawing a line across the page
(don't create a line using hyphens or underscores).