REG dates

REG dates

  1. 2024
    1. Sep
      1. Closed

        September 02, 2024 : Labour Day Holiday

        The University is Closed

      2. classes start<h2>

        September 4, 2024 - First Day of Classes

      3. Fall
        Sona Opens

        Thursday September 5, 2024 - SONA Phase 1

        Sona opens for Phase 1 consisting of Pre Screen and Mass Testing only.

      4. Phase 2

        September 12, 2024 - Sona Phase 2

        Sona opens for all other studies. Studies are approved during the day and on an ongoing basis.

    2. Oct
      1. Turkey

        Monday October 14, 2024 - Thanksgiving Holiday

        The University is closed for the long weekend. Reading week also commences

      2. Pumpkins
        Reading Week

        October 15 through October 18, 2024 - Reading Week

        Reading week continues on after the Holiday Weekend. The School remains open however there are no classes this week. SONA continues

      3. Pumpkin

        Halloween! October 31, 2024

        Have a great Halloween!

    3. Dec
      1. Holiday
        ENd of TErm

        December 3, 2024 - Last Day of Classes

        SONA Closes at 5 pm. Please ensure that all credits are assinged.

SONA and Ethics training

Training will occur where outlined in Sign Ups

All graduate and undergraduate students and RAs who wish to use SONA are required to use their own SONA Researcher Account. Remember that you may notlog in using another researcher's account. To obtain a SONA Researcher/RA account, you must complete a training session (see below for further details).

The full researcher training session is now offered online for graduate students and Honours Thesis students. To register please email the Research Experiences Group (REG) Coordinator.  If you completed the RA workshop and will now be using SONA as an Honours Thesis student you will need to complete the online Full Researcher Training session.