Why should I consider signing up to do studies with the Research Experiences Group (REG) pool?
There are a number of reasons to sign up with REG:
- It is an easy way to earn extra marks towards your final grade.
- You can see how the concepts and theories that you are learning about work in an applied setting. This will allow you to have an enhanced understanding of the research process, and to gain a greater appreciation of the research studies discussed in class.
- It allows you to become part of the research process, and to contribute knowledge to the field.
- If you think that you might be interested in majoring in Psychology, or are considering Psychology as a career option, then this offers you the opportunity to see Psychology "in action" and will allow you to make a more informed career option having seen what research Psychology involves.
I participated in a study earlier today, but haven't received my credit yet. What should I do?
It might take up to 48 hours for the researcher to grant you credit for participation. If you participated in a study more than 3 days ago and still haven't received your credit, please the contact REG.
I have an appointment to be in a study, but I've just discovered I can't make it. What do I do?
If it is more than 24 hours before your appointment, you can cancel online using SONA (under the My Schedule and Credit link). If it is less than 24 hours before your appointment, you should contact the researcher directly to let them know. You can find contact information for researchers under the My Schedule and Credit option in SONA.
I was scheduled to be in a study, and I was there on time, but my researcher never showed up. What should I do?
Although it is rare for researchers to miss appointments, it does occasionally happen. While waiting, you should first check to ensure that you are in the correct location (i.e. that you are on the correct floor in the PAS building, etc). There are signs indicating the waiting area at the top of the bulletin boards in each area. If you are in the correct area, and your researcher doesn't show within 15 minutes, you should complete the "Can't Find Your Researcher?" form provided on the bulletin board in the Waiting Area and as soon as possible, contact the REG Coordinator and the researcher.
I have a concern about a study that I was in. Who should I contact?
You should first contact the REG Coordinator. If you feel that your concern is quite serious, or you are distressed by your experiences in a study, you may also contact the Director of the Office of Research Ethics.
I've done a couple of online studies and would like to do more, but every time I try to sign up the system won't let me. Why is this?
There is a limit on the number of credits that can be acquired through participation in online studies. The limit is generally UP TO 50% of your total required credits from doing online studies. Once you have reached the maximum, you can only participate in on-campus studies or remote access over videoconferencing software. If you are in an Online (Distance Ed) course you may qualify for an override to increase the online limit. Details will be provided on the FAQ page of your SONA account.
There's not very many studies on my list for me to sign up for. Why is this?
The most common reason that there aren't very many studies on your list is that you didn't complete the prescreen questionnaire the first time you logged into SONA. Many studies are looking for a specific type of participant, and they won't be visible to you unless you've done the pretest. You can fill out the prescreen questions at any time, even if you chose not to complete them the first time you logged in to SONA. If you did not fill out the prescreen questions, then click on the "My Profile" link. At the bottom of the page, you will see a line for "Prescreen Status". Next to "Declined to Participate", you will see a link labeled "Take Prescreen". Click on this link to begin the pretest.
Once you have done the prescreen, you may also take an online survey that will potentially make you eligible for even more studies. Look for the Mass Testing Survey on the list of studies under the Study Signup link in SONA.
I have switched sections of my class (e.g. from one section of Psych 101 to another) and/or dropped classes. Do I need to let REG know?
No. All course enrollments are updated in the Sona system via the class lists from the Registrar's Office. Class lists are uploaded on the first day of lectures, and then each Friday for the first 5 weeks of the term. On the last day of lectures, the REG Coordinator will upload the updated class lists from the Registrar's Office before creating the Course Credit Reports for the Instructors.
My Sona account from a previous term?
If you were enrolled in a course, anytime since the Fall 2016 term, you Sona account will have been previously set up. We changed the login process for the Spring 2019 term, and you will beusing your WatIAm ID (Quest ID) credentials to log into the Sona system and your Sona account. Please note that effective Winter 2021, two factor authentication will be required. For further information please see https://uwaterloo.ca/two-factor-authentication/
What studies can I do? Are there limits on In Person vs Online?
There are both online and in person studies available on SONA and these will change throughout the term. If you class is In Person, then you will be able to do a max of half your credits from online. There is no limit from in person credits. When you log onto SONA you will see the pre screen. This is encouraged but optional and is used for screening specific participants needed for a study. Completing it will increase the number of studies that show up