
PSYCpool - Is currently OPEN

Psychology Participant Database (PSYCpool)

We conduct studies investigating various aspects of information processing, memory, learning and behaviour.  You may have participated in one of these in the past.  These studies typically involve computer tasks (remote video conference style studies) or online surveys (on the web) that take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours, and some multi session studies.  You may find the studies quite interesting and insightful.  

In appreciation of your time volunteering to participant in these studies, you will receive remuneration valued at approximately $5.00 per half hour in the form of gift certificates or draws for prizes. All studies have been reviewed by and received ethics clearance through a University of Waterloo Research Ethics Board (ORE#30355), however the final decision about participation is yours.

If you think, you might like to participate in some studies this term you may sign-up for our participant database by taking 10-15 minutes to provide some contact and demographic information at:


All of your responses to these questions will be stored on a secure University of Waterloo server to which only authorized researchers have access, however you will be completing  this questionnaire by an online registration form operated by Qualtrics ™. When information is transmitted over the internet privacy cannot be guaranteed. There is always a risk your responses may be intercepted by a third party (e.g., government agencies, hackers). Qualtrics ™ temporarily collects your computer IP address to avoid duplicate responses in the dataset but we will not retain this information. If you prefer not to submit your data through Qualtrics ™ please do not sign up for this participation database. 

This questionnaire data is confidential and will be stored until the end of the spring term 2021. You may also ask to be removed from our database at anytime by contacting the PSYCHpool Coordinator at

A researcher will contact you by phone or email to invite you to participate in a study. Participation is voluntary and you may decline to participate if you wish.

Thank you and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me

Psychology Participant Database (PSYCpool) Coordinator

Department of Psychology