Project team

Michael Drescher headshot

Michael Drescher

Project Director and Lead Principal Investigator; Associate Professor, School of Planning, Faculty of Environment

Michael Drescher is a terrestrial ecologist by training working in green infrastructure planning as an environmental social scientist. 

Maria Strack headshot

Maria Strack

Co-Principal Investigator; Professor, Canada Research Chair, Department of Geography and Environmental Management, Faculty of Environment

Maria Strack is a physical geographer by training and an expert in wetland hydrology and greenhouse gas emissions. 

Derek Robinson headshot

Derek Robinson

Co-Principal Investigator; Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Management, Faculty of Environment

Derek Robinson is a trained physical geographer with specializations in remote sensing and carbon modelling. 

Dawn Parker headshot

Dawn Parker

Co-Principal Investigator; Professor, School of Planning, Faculty of Environment

Dawn Parker is a computational social scientist with specialization in housing markets and an internationally recognized expert in land systems modelling.

 Rebecca Rooney headshot

Rebecca Rooney

Co-Principal Investigator; Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science

Rebecca Rooney is a trained aquatic biologist with specialization in environmental toxicology. 

Bruce MacVicar headshot

Bruce MacVicar

Co-Principal Investigator; Associate Professor Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering

Bruce MacVicar is an expert in hydraulic engineering and fluvial geomorphology. 

Profile photo of Harriet Bigas

Harriet Bigas

Project Manager

Harriet Bigas is the project manager of RISE.

Adam Skoyles headshot

Adam Skoyles

Ph.D. student, School of Planning, Faculty of Environment

Adam Skyoles is a Ph.D. student in the School of Planning under the supervision of Michael Drescher.

Profile photo of Hazem Ahmed

Hazem Ahmed

Ph.D. student, School of Planning, Faculty of Environment

Hazem Ahmed is a Ph.D. student in the School of Planning under the supervision of Dawn Parker.

Thiruni Thirimanne headshot

Thiruni Thirimanne

Master’s (M.Sc.) student, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering

Thiruni Thirimanne is a Master’s (M.Sc.) student in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering under the supervision of Bruce MacVicar.

Profile photo of Chenxi Liu

Chenxi Liu

Master’s (M.Sc.) student, Department of Geography and Environmental Management, Faculty of Environment

Chenxi Liu is a Master’s (M.Sc.) student in the Department of Geography and Environmental Management under the supervision of Derek Robinson.

Liahm Ruest headshot

Liahm Ruest

Master’s (M.Sc.) student, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science

Liahm Ruest is a Master’s (M.Sc.) student in the Department of Biology under the supervision of Rebecca Rooney.

Profile photo of Akshara Withanage

Akshara Withanage

Master’s (M.Sc.) student, Department of Geography and Environmental Management, Faulty of Environment

Akshara Withanage is a Master’s (M.Sc.) student in the Department of Geography and Environmental Management under the supervision of Maria Strack.

Profile photo of Rayden Laliberte

Rayden Laliberte

Master's (M.Sc.) student, Department of Geography and Environmental Management, Faculty of Environment

Rayden Laliberte is a Master's (M.Sc.) student in the Department of Geography and Environmental Management under the supervision of Maria Strack.

Profile photo of Justin Yu

Justin Yu

Bachelor’s (B.Sc.) student, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science

Justin Yu is an undergraduate student in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science.

Past team members

Profile photo of Micheal Glazyrin

Micheal Glazyrin

Co-op student, School of Planning, Faculty of Environment

Micheal Glazyrin is a co-op student in the School of Planning, Faculty of Environment.

Profile photo of Kayla Martin

Kayla Martin

Research Technician

Kayla Martin is a Research Technician with the Wetland Soils and Greenhouse Gas Exchange Lab working under the supervision of Maria Strack.

Profile photo of Syd Higgins

Syd Higgins

Bachelor’s (B.Sc.) student, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science

Syd Higgins is an undergraduate co-op student in the Wetlands Soils and Greenhouse Gas Exchange Lab working under the supervision of Maria Strack.