The Sandford Fleming Travel Awards were initiated to assist in the support of students presenting scholarly papers at academic conferences. It was the original intent that these would be used for travel for which other support did not exist. The grants are intended to cover two classes of travel that promote excellence in engineering education at the undergraduate level.
The award is administered with the goal of maximizing impact of the limited funds available in promoting engineering excellence at the undergraduate level. New applicants who have not previously received funds are given priority, as are applicants with limited resources and a high likelihood of participation in the event.
University of Waterloo students enrolled in an engineering program (excluding architecture) are eligible to apply.
Grant types
There are two categories of grant requests which may be considered:
1. Conference participation (Maximum $1,000)
Conference presentations by undergraduate students are exceptional achievements. This category is intended to support an undergraduate student attending a conference at which a technical paper is to be presented on which they are an author. Academic conferences are preferred, but business and industry conference will be considered if resources are available. Conference registration and travel expenses are eligible. The Conference Travel Grant form is to be used for this application, and a student certification letter and faculty support letter are required.
2. Team Activities (Maximum $1,000 per team/$250 per individual)
Student teams offer an invaluable extra-curricular learning experience, in particular when geared toward an internationally renowned competition. Only travel expenses are eligible. The Team Travel Grant form is to be used for this application, student certification letter and faculty support letter are required. In addition to competitions, student teams can also be supported for travel to participate in humanitarian engineering activities.
Grant Requirements
Travel awards must be used in the academic year in which they are awarded. If a student or team does not attend the event, the funds should be returned to the Sandford Fleming Foundation.
Each grantee (individual or team) is required to submit a summary of expenses, a photo and one page description of the outcome, upon completion of the travel. This material will be used for publicity by the Sandford Fleming Foundation in its annual newsletter and possibly on its website. If applicable, an Iron Warrior, Daily Bulletin or newspaper article may be submitted instead of the photo and summary. No further travel grant requests will be considered for an individual or team that has not submitted this information.
Granting Cycle
Conference travel grants are reviewed once a semester, with applications accepted for travel during the current and subsequent semester. There are therefore two chances to apply for each conference. The deadline to apply and notification in each semester are as follows:
Deadlines in each Semester –
Submission: Last Day of Lectures
Notification: Last Day of Exams
Team travel grants are awarded annually, with applications accepted throughout the year until the last day of lecture in the Winter semester for travel throughout the academic year from September of the previous year to August of the current year. All applications received after the last day of lectures will be rejected. Annual decisions will be made in April, with notification sent out on or before the last day of exams.
Deadlines in each year –
Submission: Last Day of Winter Semester Lectures
Notification: Last Day of Winter Semester Exams
Applicants are to fill out the appropriate form and complete the appropriate letters electronically and submit the package via email to before the annual deadline.
Application Forms
Conference Travel Grant Application