
Author Title Type Year(Desc)
Béliveau, A., Lockhart, R. A., Schwarz, C. J., & Arndt, S. K.. (2015). Adjusting for Undercoverage of Access-Points in Creel Surveys with Fewer Overflights. Biometrics, 71(4), 1050–1059.
Beaumont, J. - F., Béliveau, A., & Haziza, D.. (2015). Clarifying Some Aspects of Variance Estimation in Two-Phase Sampling. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 3(4), 524–542.
Béliveau, A.. (2016). Data integration methods for studying animal population dynamics. PhD thesis. Summit: Simon Fraser University research repository. Retrieved from
Atlas, W. I., Housty, W. G., Béliveau, A., DeRoy, B., Callegari, G., Reid, M., & Moore, J. W.. (2017). Ancient fish weir technology for modern stewardship: lessons from community-based salmon monitoring. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 3(6).
Béliveau, A., Goring, S., Platt, R. W., & Gustafson, P.. (2017). Network meta-analysis of disconnected networks: How dangerous are random baseline treatment effects?. Research Synthesis Methods, 8(4), 465-474.
Liu, Y., Besche, H., Béliveau, A., Zhang, X., Kroc, E., Stefan, M., Gutlerner, J., et al. (2018). Challenges from Modeling Open Online Assessment Data. Proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meetings 2018.
Béliveau, A., Boyne, D., Slater, J., Brenner, D., & Arora, P.. (2019). BUGSnet: An R Package to Facilitate the Conduct and Reporting of Bayesian Network Meta-Analyses. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 19:196.
Gupta, A., Slater, J., Boyne, D., Mitsakakis, N., Béliveau, A., Druzdzel, M., Brenner, D., et al. (2019). Probabilistic Graphical Modeling for Estimating Risk of Coronary Artery Disease: Applications of a Flexible Machine-Learning Method. Medical Decision Making, 39(8), 1032-1044.
Zhang, K., Arora, P., Sati, N., Béliveau, A., Troke, N., Veroniki, A. Angeliki, Rodrigues, M., et al. (2019). Characteristics and methods of incorporating randomized and nonrandomized evidence in network meta-analyses: a scoping review. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 113, 1-10.
Liu, Y., Béliveau, A., Besche, H., Wu, A. D., Zhang, X., Stefan, M., Gutlerner, J., et al. (2021). Bayesian Mixed Effects Model and Data Visualization for Understanding Item Response Time and Response Order in Open Online Assessment. Frontiers in Education, section Assessment, Testing and Applied Measurement, 5:607260.
Béliveau, A., & Gustafson, P.. (2021). A Theoretical Investigation of How Evidence Flows in Bayesian Network Meta-Analysis of Disconnected Networks. Bayesian Analysis, 16(3), 803-823.
Wigle, A., & Béliveau, A.. (2022). Bayesian Unanchored Additive Models for Component Network Meta-Analysis. Statistics in Medicine, 21(22), 4444-4466.
Kong, X., & Béliveau, A.. (2023). Generalized Fused Lasso for Treatment Pooling in Network Meta-Analysis. Joint Statistical Meetings Proceedings. Retrieved from
Liu, Y., Béliveau, A., Wei, Y., Chen, M. Y., Record-Lemon, R., Kuo, P. L., Pritchard, E., et al. (2023). A Gentle Introduction to Bayesian Network Meta-Analysis Using an Automated R Package. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 58(4), 706-722.
Kong, X., Daly, C. H., & Béliveau, A.. (2024). Generalized Fused Lasso for Treatment Pooling in Network Meta-Analysis. Statistics in Medicine, 43(30), 5635-5649.
Wigle, A., Béliveau, A., Blackmore, D., Lapeyre, P., Osadetz, K., Lemieux, C., & Daun, K. J.. (2024). Estimation and Applications of Uncertainty in Methane Emissions Quantification Technologies: A Bayesian Approach. ACS ES&T Air, 1(9), 1000-1014.
Daun, K. J., Lemieux, C., Béliveau, A., Blackmore, D., Narayanan, N., Wigle, A., Fritz, K., et al. (2024). Evaluation of Emission Quantification Technologies: Final Report (Prepared for: Petroleum Technology Alliance Canada and Clean Resources Innovation Network., pp. 1-76).