
Global policy initiatives face difficult challenges when they don't consider gender roles and relations in governance of food, land and agriculture. My work illustrates how to incorporate gendered power relations and social relations in our understandings of global environmental governance and policy, especially around food security, agriculture, and land. In doing so, we can improve policy-making and have more equitable outcomes.

On this page, you can access my latest publications and learn more about the courses I teach here at the School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability

Research Interests

  • Global land and agricultural governance
  • Gender, development, and global political economy
  • Gender and environmental politics
  • Transnational agricultural investment
  • Public-private partnerships in agriculture and nutrition

Current Projects

  • Understandings of Gender in Global Food Governance: Examining the UN Committee for World Food Security (UW Gender Equity Grant)
  • A New Alliance with Old Problems: A Gendered Analysis of the G8 New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition (SSHRC Insight Development Grant)