
[ Author(Desc)] Title Type Year
Bourlioux, A. , Layton, A. T. , & Minion, M. L. . (2003). High-order multi-implicit spectral deferred correction methods for problems of reactive flow. Journal of Computational Physics, 189, 651–675. Elsevier.
Bouzarth, E. L. , Layton, A. T. , & Young, Y. - N. . (2011). Modeling a semi-flexible filament in cellular Stokes flow using regularized Stokeslets. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 27, 2021–2034. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd Chichester, UK.
Burt, T. , Noveck, R. J. , MacLeod, D. B. , Layton, A. T. , Rowland, M. , & Lappin, G. . (2017). Intra-Target Microdosing (ITM): a novel drug development approach aimed at enabling safer and earlier translation of biological insights into human testing. Clinical and Translational Science, 10, 337. Wiley-Blackwell.
Burt, T. , Wu, H. , Layton, A. T. , Rouse, D. C. , Chin, B. B. , Hawk, T. C. , Weitzel, D. H. , et al. (2015). Intra-arterial microdosing (IAM), a novel drug development approach, proof of concept in rats. Clinical Therapeutics, 37, e40–e41. Elsevier.
Burt, T. , Rouse, D. C. , Lee, K. , Wu, H. , Layton, A. T. , Hawk, T. C. , Weitzel, D. H. , et al. (2015). Intraarterial microdosing: a novel drug development approach, proof-of-concept PET study in rats. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 56, 1793–1799. Society of Nuclear Medicine.
Carrillo, J. A. , Abo, S. M. C. , & Layton, A. T. . (2022). Can the clocks tick together despite the noise? Stochastic simulations and analysis. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
Casanova, A. G. , Fuentes-Calvo, I. , Hernández-Sánchez, M. T. , Quintero, M. , Toral, P. , Caballero, M. T. , Martínez-Salgado, C. , et al. (2021). The furosemide stress test and computational modeling identify renal damage sites associated with predisposition to acute kidney injury in rats. Translational Research, 231, 76–91. Mosby.
Chen, Y. , Sullivan, J. C. , Edwards, A. , & Layton, A. T. . (2017). Sex-specific computational models of the spontaneously hypertensive rat kidneys: factors affecting nitric oxide bioavailability. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 313, F174–F183. American Physiological Society Bethesda, MD.
Chen, Y. , Fry, B. C. , & Layton, A. T. . (2017). Modeling glucose metabolism and lactate production in the kidney. Mathematical biosciences, 289, 116–129. Elsevier.
Chen, Y. , Edwards, A. , Sullivan, J. , & Layton, A. . (2016). Sex Differences in Hypertension: A Modeling Study. The FASEB Journal, 30, 959–1. The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.
Chen, Y. , Fry, B. C. , & Layton, A. T. . (2016). Modeling glucose metabolism in the kidney. Bulletin of mathematical biology, 78, 1318–1336. Springer US.
Chen, J. , Sgouralis, I. , Moore, L. C. , Layton, H. E. , & Layton, A. T. . (2011). A mathematical model of the myogenic response to systolic pressure in the afferent arteriole. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 300, F669–F681. American Physiological Society Bethesda, MD.
Chen, J. , Edwards, A. , & Layton, A. T. . (2010). Effects of pH and medullary blood flow on oxygen transport and sodium reabsorption in the rat outer medulla. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 298, F1369–F1383. American Physiological Society Bethesda, MD.
Chen, J. , Layton, A. T. , & Edwards, A. . (2009). A mathematical model of O2 transport in the rat outer medulla. I. Model formulation and baseline results. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 297, F517–F536. American Physiological Society.
Chen, J. , Edwards, A. , & Layton, A. T. . (2009). A mathematical model of O2 transport in the rat outer medulla. II. Impact of outer medullary architecture. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 297, F537–F548. American Physiological Society.
Chen, Y. , Damasceno, J. J. R. , Dance, S. L. , Dellacherie, S. , Evans, T. M. , Fan, J. , Fasso, F. , et al. (2003). Chauviere, C., 607 Chen, R.-C., 579 Chen, X., 557. Journal of Computational Physics, 189, 676.
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Ciocanel, M. - V. , Stepien, T. L. , Sgouralis, I. , & Layton, A. T. . (2018). A multicellular vascular model of the renal myogenic response. Processes, 6, 89. MDPI.
Ciocanel, M. - V. , Stepien, T. L. , Edwards, A. , & Layton, A. T. . (2017). Modeling autoregulation of the afferent arteriole of the rat kidney. In Women in Mathematical Biology: Research Collaboration Workshop, NIMBioS, Knoxville, June 2015 (pp. 75–100). Springer International Publishing.
Dantzler, W. H. , Layton, A. T. , Layton, H. E. , & Pannabecker, T. L. . (2014). Urine-concentrating mechanism in the inner medulla: function of the thin limbs of the loops of Henle. Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology: CJASN, 9, 1781. American Society of Nephrology.
