Date and venue
The Waterloo Snowmelt Workshop 2018 was held on Monday, Oct 1 and Tuesday, Oct 2, 2018 at the GreenHouse social impact incubator, room STP 164.
The Greenhouse is located 190 Westmount Rd N, St. Paul's University College at the University of Waterloo. Parking at St. Paul's is accessible from Westmount Rd.

Workshop activities
1. The first day of the workshop features a series of 20-minute keynote presentations from scientific and end-user communities in the morning to set the scene. Scientific speakers identified the current state of knowledge on the impacts of climate change on terresterial snow, and on the challenges and capabilities of hydrologic modelling on snowmelt runoff. The following three keynotes were on end-user challenges in Western Canada, the Prairies, and the Great Lakes.
2. A short icebreaker with all participants followed the keynotes, by asking individuals to reflect on the question "Why don't scientists and stakeholders interact more?" Participants then found partners to discuss their thoughts on the question. Curated small groups contraining representatives from both end-user and scientific communities then broke out for a Gallery Walk activity.
3. Representatives from each small team reported back to the larger group at the end of Day 1 on their findings from the Gallery Walk. Each small group presented themes and research questions/uncertainties derived from the facilitated small group discussions.
4. Day 2 foused on a group brainstorming tak with the objective of formulating work packaages to emerge from each small group.