
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Gierczycka, D.. (2019). Assessment of constitutive models in LS-Dyna. Biological Tissue Mathematical Constitutive Models in Human Body Models for Enhanced Human Safety. Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery. Retrieved from
Gierczycka, D., & Cronin, D. S.. (2019). Change of lateral chest compression values due to bone failure in side impacts (IRC-19-29). In International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury. IRCOBI. Retrieved from
Gierczycka, D.. (2019). Evaluation of occupant response in side impact crash scenarios using human body models. 16th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. Columbia University.
Corrales, M. A., Gierczycka, D., Barker, J., Bruneau, D., Bustamante, M., & Cronin, D.. (2019). Validation of a Football Helmet Finite Element Model and Quantification of Impact Energy Distribution. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 1-12. Retrieved from
Bustamante, M. C., Bruneau, D., Barker, J. B., Gierczycka, D., Corrales, M. A., & Cronin, D. S.. (2019). Component-Level Finite Element Model and Validation for a Modern American Football Helmet. Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials, 5(2), 117-131. Acc. Jan 30 2019. Retrieved from
Gierczycka, D., & Cronin, D. S.. (2016). Application of the GHBMC M50 model in a parametric study of pre-crash position effects for vehicle side impact. GHBMC Users' Workshop.
Singh, D., Barker, J., Gierczycka, D., & Cronin, D. S.. (2016). 50th Male and 5th Female Neck Model Scaling Investigation at the Tissue, Segment, and Whole Neck Levels. GHBMC Users' Workshop.
Gierczycka, D., Malcolm, S., & Cronin, D.. (2016). Influence of the Rib‐Deflection Measurement Method on Evaluation of Side‐Impact Restraint Effectiveness. In IRCOBI Europe (Vol. IRC-16-91, pp. 710-712). International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury. Retrieved from
Gierczycka, D., Malcolm, S., & Cronin, D.. (2016). Occupant‐Side Airbag–Vehicle Interaction in Side‐impact Crash Scenario Using Coupled Vehicle and Human Body Models. In IRCOBI Europe (Vol. 16-90, pp. 707-709). International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury. Retrieved from
Khor, F., Watson, B., Gierczycka, D., Malcolm, S., & Cronin, D.. (2016). Effect of Cortical Bone Material Asymmetry Using a Three‐Point Bend Test Simulation. In IRCOBI Asia (Vol. IRC-A-16, pp. 18-19). International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury. Retrieved from
Gierczycka, D., Malcolm, S., & Cronin, D.. (2016). Occupant-Restraint-Vehicle Interaction in Side Impact Evaluated Using a Human Body Model. Injury Biomechanics Symposium. Ohio State University. Retrieved from
Jansova, M., Hyncik, L., Cehova, H., Toczyski, J., Gierczycka, D., & Baudrit, P.. (2015). Evaluation of human thorax FE model in various impact scenarios. Applied and Computational Mechanics, 9(1), 5-20. Retrieved from
Gierczycka, D., & Cronin, D.. (2015). Investigation of Boundary Conditions for Vehicle Rollover Simulations. In IRCOBI Europe (Vol. IRC-15-61, pp. 513-514). International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury. Retrieved from
