
Author Title Type Year(Desc)
Gierczycka, D.. (2008). Comparsion of the crash test dummies with the parameters of human drivers. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering (FPAE).
Gierczycka, D., Zwierzchowski, M., & Hawryluk, M.. (2010). Budowa stanowiska do badania układu wspomagania hamowania (PL) Laboratory test for testing of brake support . Autobusy - Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe (PL), 11(6), 1-9. Retrieved from
Gierczycka, D., & Zwierzchowski, M.. (2010). Przesłanki do udoskonalania systemów zabezpieczeń biernych w zderzeniach bocznych (PL) Motivations for improving passive safety systems for side crashes . Autobusy - Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe (PL), 11(6), 1-9. Retrieved from
Bartczak, B., Gierczycka, D., Gronostajski, Z., Polak, S., & Tobota, A.. (2010). The use of thin-walled sections for energy absorbing components: a review. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 10(4), 5-19. Retrieved from
Bartczak, B., Gierczycka, D., Gronostajski, Z., & Polak, S.. (2010). Struktury cienkościenne w zastosowaniu na elementy pochłaniające energię zderzenia (PL) Thin walled structures used as the striking energy absorbing members . Mechanik (PL), 86(5-6), 346-351. Retrieved from
Dolny, A., Gierczycka, D., & Jaskiewicz, K.. (2010). Zagrożenia związane z działaniem poduszki powietrznej w przypadku niestandardowej pozycji kierowcy samochodu osobowego (PL) Possible Threats Related to Airbag Activation in Case of Out-of-Position Configuration at Driver Side. Autobusy - Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe (PL), 11(6), 1-7. Retrieved from
Gierczycka, D., & Toczyski, J.. (2011). Selected problems in numerical modeling of human 50th percentile male model. In ISN Workshop on Biomechanical Experiments on Human Subjects, September 13, 2011. Integrated Safety Network.
Gierczycka, D., Rzymkowski, C., & Toczyski, J.. (2011). Influence of the material definition on the biomechanical response of a simplified human torso FE model. 9th International Forum of Automotive Traffic Safety. Hunan University.
Gierczycka, D., Toczyski, J., & Rzymkowski, C.. (2011). Influence of the Material Definition on the Biomechanical Response of the Simplified Human Torso FE Model. In INFATS - International Forum of Automotive Traffic Safety (pp. 231-238). Hunan University.
Gierczycka, D.. (2011). Adaptive Restraints: Suggested Parameters for Occupant Classification System. In IRCOBI Europe (Vol. IRC-11-74, pp. 311-314). International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury. Retrieved from
Gierczycka, D., & Toczyski, J.. (2012). Chest Injuries of Vulnerable Road Users–Application of the THOMO Model to a Frontal Crash Setup. In Injury Biomechanics Symposium (pp. 1-9). Ohio State University. Retrieved from
Toczyski, J., Pedzisz, M., Dziewonski, T., Gierczycka, D., Rzymkowski, C., Jansova, M., & Cehova, H.. (2012). Influence of the reference anthropometry on the dynamical response of the 5th and 95th percentile occupant thorax fe model. In International Crashworthiness Conference - ICRASH 2012. University of Bolton.
Jansova, M., Hyncik, L., Ondokova, H., Toczyski, J., Gierczycka, D., & Baudrit, P.. (2012). Mechanical response of human thorax FE model in various impact scenarios. Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, Imaging in a Diffuse Media (CW1C).
Gierczycka, D., & Toczyski, J.. (2012). Computational Modeling of the Thorax under High Impulse Loading . In IRCOBI Europe (Vol. IRC-12-90, p. 871). International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury. Retrieved from
Gierczycka, D., & Toczyski, J.. (2013). Computational Modeling of the Thorax under High Impulse Loading . In IRCOBI Europe (Vol. IRC-12-91, p. 872). International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury.
Gierczycka, D., Cronin, D., Lockhart, P., & Watson, B.. (2013). Occupant and Vehicle Response for Offset Pole Crash Scenarios. In Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (Vol. 13-0435 , pp. 1-5). National Highway Safety Transport Administration. Retrieved from
Gierczycka, D., Watson, B., & Cronin, D.. (2013). Influence of the occupant position and interior properties on the injury outcome. Injury Biomechanics Symposium. Ohio State University. Retrieved from
Gierczycka, D., & Cronin, D.. (2013). Evaluation of Injuries in Offset Frontal Pole Impacts. In IRCOBI Europe (Vol. IRC-13-44, p. 393). International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury. Retrieved from
Gierczycka, D., & Cronin, D.. (2014). Investigation of Injury Metric Sensitivity to Thorax Impact Loading Using a Human Body Model. In IRCOBI Europe (Vol. IRC-14-58, pp. 491-492). International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury. Retrieved from
Dani, V., Gierczycka, D., & Cronin, D.. (2014). Comparison of ATD and Human Body Models for Side Impact Scenarios. Injury Biomechanics Symposium. Ohio State University. Retrieved from
