
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Scott, D.. (2006). Global environmental change and mountain tourism. Tourism and global environmental change, 54-75. Routledge London.
Jones, B., & Scott, D.. (2006). Climate Change, Seasonality and Visitation to Canada's National Parks. Journal of Park & Recreation Administration, 24(2).
Scott, D., McBoyle, G., Minogue, A., & Mills, B.. (2006). Climate change and the sustainability of ski-based tourism in eastern North America: A reassessment. Journal of sustainable tourism, 14(4), 376-398. Taylor & Francis Group.
Gössling, S., Hall, C. M., & Scott, D.. (2005). Tourism and water. Tourism and Global Environmental Change: Ecological, Social, Economic and Political Interrelationships. London, United Kingdom: Routledge, pp180-194.
Scott, D., Wall, G., & McBoyle, G.. (2005). Climate change and tourism and recreation in north America: exploring regional risks and opportunities. Tourism, recreation and climate change, 115-129. Channel View, Clevedon.
Jones, B., Scott, D., & Gössling, S.. (2005). Lakes and streams; in Tourism and Global Environmental Change.
Scott, D. James, Jones, B., & Khaled, H. Abi. (2005). Changement climatique: une question stratégique à long terme pour la CCN: répercussions sur les secteurs d'activités récréatives et touristiques. University of Waterloo, Faculty of Environmental Studies.
Scott, D., & Jones, B.. (2005). Climate Change, Seasonality and Visitation in Canada’s National Park System. Tourism Management.
Scott, D., Jones, B., & Khaled, H. Abi. (2005). The vulnerability of tourism and recreation in the national capital region to climate change. Technical Report prepared for the Government of Canada's Climate Change Action Fund (Impacts and Adaptation Programme)). University of Waterloo Waterloo.
Neilson, R. P., Lenihan, J. M., Bachelet, D., Drapek, R. J., Price, D., & Scott, D.. (2005). The potential for widespread, threshold dieback of forests in North America under rapid global warming. Bringing Climate Change Into Natural Resource Management, 117.
Scott, D. James, Jones, B., & Khaled, H. Abi. (2005). Climate Change: A long-term strategic issue for the NCC: Implications for Recreation-Tourism Business Lines. University of Waterloo, Faculty of Environmental Studies.
Scott, D. James, & Jones, B.. (2005). Climate change & Banff National Park: Implications for tourism and recreation. University of Waterloo, Faculty of Environmental Studies.
Parker, P., Rowlands, I. H., & Scott, D.. (2005). Who changes consumption following residential energy evaluations? Local programs need all income groups to achieve Kyoto targets. Local Environment, 10(2), 173-187. Routledge.
Scott, D.. (2005). Ski industry adaptation to climate change: hard, soft and policy strategies. Tourism and global environmental change, 265-285. Routledge, Oxford.
Lemieux, C. J., & Scott, D. J.. (2005). Climate change, biodiversity conservation and protected area planning in Canada. The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe canadien, 49(4), 384-397. Blackwell Publishing Ltd/Inc.
Scott, D., & Lemieux, C.. (2005). Climate change and protected area policy and planning in Canada. The Forestry Chronicle, 81(5), 696-703. NRC Research Press Ottawa, Canada.
Scott, D., Wall, G., & McBoyle, G.. (2005). The evolution of the climate change issue in the tourism sector. Tourism, recreation and climate change, 22, 45-60. Channel View Publications, Buffalo, New York.
Appleton, S. C., Scott, D. J., Clarke, J. A., Baynham, E., Rochford, J., Ivanyushenkov, Y., Todd, B., et al. (2004). Design Considerations for a Helical Undulator for the Production of Polarised Positrons for TESLA. Presented at.
Schmutz, J., Martin, J., Terry, A., Couronne, O., Grimwood, J., Gordon, L. A., Scott, D., et al. (2004). The complete sequence of human chromosome 5. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Clarke, J. A., Scott, D. J., Hill, C., Hannon, F. E., Shepherd, B. J. A., & Muir, A. A.. (2004). Construction of an APPLE-II Type Undulator at Daresbury Laboratory for the SRS. Presented at.
