
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Scott, D. J.. (2004). Magnet Block Sorting For Variably Polarising Undulators. Proc. EPAC.
Hannon, F. Elizabeth, Clarke, J. A., Hill, C., Scott, D. J., & Shepherd, B. J. A.. (2004). Construction of an APPLE-II Type Undulator at Daresbury Laboratory for the SRS. Proceedings of EPAC.
Scott, D. J., Layfield, S., Riesewijk, A., Morita, H., Tregear, G. W., & Bathgate, R. A. D.. (2004). Annual Scientific Meeting of ASCEPT 2003. IDENTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF THE MOUSE AND RAT RELAXIN RECEPTORS AS THE NOVEL ORTHOLOGUES OF HUMAN LEUCINE-RICH REPEAT-CONTAINING G-PROTEIN-COUPLED. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 31(11), 828-832. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1974-.
Rowlands, I. H., Parker, P., Scott, D., & Patterson, M. Jane. (2004). Money talks, standards rock: Federal and provincial regulations are needed to get our homes to the highest levels of efficiency. Alternatives Journal, 30(1), 20. Alternatives Journal.
Peeters, P., Gössling, S., Ceron, J. - P., Dubois, G., Patterson, T., Richardson, R. B., & Studies, E.. (2004). The eco-efficiency of tourism. IN Matzarakis, A., de Freitas, CR & Scott, D.(Eds.) Advances in tourism climatology, 105, 115.
Bathgate, R. A. D., Scott, D. J., Layfield, S., Sudo, S., Hsueh, A. J. W., & Tregear, G. W.. (2004). A truncated splice variant of the relaxin receptor, LGR7, is a functional relaxin antagonist. BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION. SOC STUDY REPRODUCTION 1603 MONROE ST, MADISON, WI 53711-2021 USA.
Scott, D., Jones, B., & McBoyle, G.. (2004). A Bibliography of the Tourism Climatology Field to 2004. Weather, 22, 128-131.
Lemieux, C., Scott, D., & Davis, R.. (2004). Climate change and Ontario’s provincial parks: Preliminary analysis of potential impacts and implications for policy, planning, and management. M. Beveridge, JG Nelson, and S. Janetos, S.(eds.). Climate Change and Ontario’s Parks. Proceedings from the State of the Art Workshop: Climate Change and Ontario Parks.
Scott, D., McBoyle, G., Mills, B., & Minogue, A.. (2004). Climate change and the ski industry in Eastern North America: A reassessment. Advances in tourism climatology, 90-96.
Matzarakis, A., De Freitas, C. R., & Scott, D.. (2004). Tourism and recreation climatology. Advances in Tourism Climatology. Freiburg: Universität Freiburg, 6-9.
Parker, P., Rowlands, I. H., & Scott, D.. (2004). Comparing residential energy conservers and consumers: Local programs need all income groups to achieve Kyoto targets. Energy Studies Working Paper.
Cohen, S., Bass, B., Etkin, D., Jones, B., Lacroix, J., Mills, B., Scott, D., et al. (2004). Regional adaptation strategies. Hard Choices: Climate Change in Canada, 151. Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press.
Rowlands, I. H., Parker, P., & Scott, D.. (2004). Consumer behaviour in restructured electricity markets. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 3(3), 272-283. Wiley Online Library.
Schwartz, R. C., Deadman, P. J., Scott, D. J., & Mortsch, L. D.. (2004). Modeling the impacts of water level changes on a Great Lakes community. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 40(3), 647-662. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Matzarakis, A., De Freitas, C. R., & Scott, D.. (2004). Advances in tourism climatology. Meteorologisches Institut der Universität.
Scott, D., McBoyle, G., & Schwartzentruber, M.. (2004). Climate change and the distribution of climatic resources for tourism in North America. Climate research, 27(2), 105-117. Inter-Research.
Clarke, J. A., Bliss, N., Clarke, D. G., Hannon, F. E., Hill, C., Muir, A. A., Scott, D. J., et al. (2003). Status of the DIAMOND insertion devices. Particle Accelerator Conference, 2003. PAC 2003. Proceedings of the. IEEE.
Bathgate, R. A. D., Scott, D., Layfield, S., Ferraro, T., Wade, J. D., & Tregear, G. W.. (2003). Ligand specificities of the relaxin (LGR7) and INSL3 (LGR8) receptors: Implications for relaxin and INSL3 action. BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION. SOC STUDY REPRODUCTION 1603 MONROE ST, MADISON, WI 53711-2021 USA.
Scott, D. J., Wilkinson, T., Tregear, G. W., & Bathgate, R. A. D.. (2003). The relaxin peptide family and their novel G-protein coupled receptors. International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics, 10(5), 393-400. Springer Netherlands.
Scott, D.. (2003). Climate change scenario data for the national parks. In Climate change and Canada's national park system: scenarios and impacts.
