
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Simpson, M., Clarke, C. S. L. Mercer, Clarke, J. D., Scott, D., & Clarke, A. J.. (2012). Coastal Setbacks in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Study of Emerging Issues and Trends that Inform Guidelines for Coastal Planning and Development. Inter-American Development Bank.
Gössling, S., & Scott, D.. (2012). Recreation, Tourism and Climate. Encyclopedia of Climate and Weather. Oxford University Press.
Gössling, S., & Scott, D.. (2012). Scenario planning for sustainable tourism: an introduction. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 20(6), 773-778. Taylor & Francis Group.
Cross, M. S., Zavaleta, E. S., Bachelet, D., Brooks, M. L., Enquist, C. A. F., Fleishman, E., Graumlich, L. J., et al. (2012). The Adaptation for Conservation Targets (ACT) framework: a tool for incorporating climate change into natural resource management. Environmental Management, 50(3), 341-351. Springer-Verlag.
Scott, D., Simpson, M. Charles, & Sim, R.. (2012). The vulnerability of Caribbean coastal tourism to scenarios of climate change related sea level rise. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 20(6), 883-898. Taylor & Francis.
Scott, D., Gössling, S., & C Hall, M.. (2012). International tourism and climate change. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 3(3), 213-232. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Simpson, M. C., Scott, D., New, M., Sim, R., Smith, D., Harrison, M., C Eakin, M., et al. (2012). An overview of modelling climate change impacts in the Caribbean Region with contribution from the Pacific Islands. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
Gössling, S., Scott, D., C Hall, M., Ceron, J. - P., & Dubois, G.. (2012). Consumer behaviour and demand response of tourists to climate change. Annals of Tourism Research, 39(1), 36-58. Pergamon.
Scott, D., C Hall, M., & Stefan, G.. (2012). Tourism and climate change: Impacts, adaptation and mitigation. Routledge.
Gössling, S., Peeters, P., C Hall, M., Ceron, J. - P., Dubois, G., & Scott, D.. (2012). Tourism and water use: Supply, demand, and security. An international review. Tourism management, 33(1), 1-15. Pergamon.
Savoie, M., Meier, W., Mallory, S. M., & Scott, D. J.. (2011). Challenges and Decisions in Producing a Sea Ice Concentration Climate Data Record. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
Gray, P. A., Lemieux, C. J., Beechey, T. J., & Scott, D. J.. (2011). A model process for developing adaptation options for natural heritage areas in an era of rapid climate change. The George Wright Forum. George Wright Society.
Dawson, J., Havitz, M., & Scott, D.. (2011). Behavioral adaptation of alpine skiers to climate change: Examining activity involvement and place loyalty. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 28(4), 388-404. Taylor & Francis Group.
Simpson, M., Scott, D., & Trotz, U.. (2011). Climate Change's Impact on the Caribbean's Ability to Sustain Tourism, Natural Assests and Livelihoods. Inter-American Development Bank.
Scott, D. J., Lemieux, C. J., & Malone, L.. (2011). Climate services to support sustainable tourism and adaptation to climate change. Climate Research, 47(1/2), 111-122. Inter-Research.
Lemieux, C. J., & Scott, D. J.. (2011). Changing climate, challenging choices: identifying and evaluating climate change adaptation options for protected areas management in Ontario, Canada. Environmental management, 48(4), 675. Springer-Verlag.
C Hall, M., Scott, D., & Gössling, S.. (2011). Forests, climate change and tourism. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 6(4), 353-363. Taylor & Francis.
Pentelow, L., & Scott, D. J.. (2011). Aviation’s inclusion in international climate policy regimes: Implications for the Caribbean tourism industry. Journal of Air Transport Management, 17(3), 199-205. Elsevier.
Lemieux, C. J., Beechey, T. J., Scott, D. J., & Gray, P. A.. (2011). The state of climate change adaptation in Canada's protected areas sector. The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe canadien, 55(3), 301-317. Blackwell Publishing Inc.
Scott, D.. (2011). Why sustainable tourism must address climate change. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 19(1), 17-34. Taylor & Francis.
