
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Rutty, M., Scott, D., Johnson, P., Jover, E., Pons, M., & Steiger, R.. (2015). Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism.
C Hall, M., Gössling, S., & Scott, D.. (2015). Tourism and sustainability. Need ebooks? Visit www. pdfbook. co. ke today and download thousands of ebooks in pdf format.., 1.
Scott, D., & Gössling, S.. (2015). Tourism in the future (s): Forecasting and scenarios. Routledge.
Rutty, M., Scott, D., Johnson, P., Jover, E., Pons, M., & Steiger, R.. (2015). Behavioural adaptation of skiers to climatic variability and change in Ontario, Canada. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 11, 13-21. Elsevier.
Price, D. T., Scott, D., Lomas, M. R., McKenney, D. W., Bachelet, D., Drapek, R. J., Lenihan, J. M., et al. (2015). A Brief Description of the VINCERA Project; Vulnerability and Impacts of North American Forests to Climate Change. Global Vegetation Dynamics: Concepts and Applications in the MC1 Model, 59-72. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Rutty, M., Scott, D., Johnson, P., Jover, E., Pons, M., & Steiger, R.. (2015). The geography of skier adaptation to adverse conditions in the Ontario ski market. The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe canadien, 59(4), 391-403.
Scott, D., & Gössling, S.. (2015). What could the next 40 years hold for global tourism?. Tourism Recreation Research, 40(3), 269-285. Routledge.
C Hall, M., Gössling, S., & Scott, D.. (2015). development and sustainable tourism. The Routledge Handbook of Tourism and Sustainability, 2. Routledge.
C Hall, M., Gössling, S., & Scott, D.. (2015). The evolution of sustainable development and sustainable tourism. The Routledge handbook of tourism and sustainability, 15-35. Routledge Abingdon.
Scott, D., & Gössling, S.. (2015). Forecasting and scenarios. The Routledge Handbook of Tourism and Sustainability. Routledge.
Rutty, M., Gössling, S., Scott, D., & C Hall, M.. (2015). The global effects and impacts of tourism. Need ebooks? Visit www. pdfbook. co. ke today and download thousands of ebooks in pdf format.., 36.
Gray, P. A., Lemieux, C. J., Beechey, T. J., J Nelson, G., & Scott, D. J.. (2015). Strategies for coping with the wicked problem of climate change. The Future of Heritage as Climates Change: Loss, Adaptation and Creativity, 180. Routledge.
Gössling, S., Hall, C. Michael, & Scott, D.. (2015). Tourism and water. Channel View Publications.
Scott, D., & Gössling, S.. (2015). Tourism in the future (s). Need ebooks? Visit www. pdfbook. co. ke today and download thousands of ebooks in pdf format.., 305.
Buckley, R., Gretzel, U., Scott, D., Weaver, D., & Becken, S.. (2015). Tourism megatrends. Tourism Recreation Research, 40(1), 59-70. Routledge.
Hall, C. M., Amelung, B., Cohen, S., Eijgelaar, E., Gössling, S., Higham, J., Leemans, R., et al. (2015). On climate change skepticism and denial in tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 23(1), 4-25. Routledge.
C Hall, M., Gössling, S., & Scott, D.. (2015). The Routledge handbook of tourism and sustainability. Routledge.
Rutty, M., & Scott, D.. (2015). Bioclimatic comfort and the thermal perceptions and preferences of beach tourists. International journal of biometeorology, 59(1), 37-45. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
C Hall, M., Amelung, B., Cohen, S., Eijgelaar, E., Gössling, S., Higham, J., Leemans, R., et al. (2015). Denying bogus skepticism in climate change and tourism research. Tourism Management, 47, 352-356. Pergamon.
Gössling, S., Scott, D., & C Hall, M.. (2015). Inter-market variability in CO 2 emission-intensities in tourism: Implications for destination marketing and carbon management. Tourism Management, 46, 203-212. Pergamon.
