Everett is a first year PhD student doing research in Relativistic Quantum Information (RQI), at the intersection of relativistic and quantum theories under the supervision of Dr. Robert B. Mann in affiliation with the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) and the Waterloo Centre for Astrophysics.

Originally from Moncton, NB, on the East Coast, Everett completed this undergraduate degree in Math and Physics at Mount Allison University in Sackville, NB. There he began his foray into the quantum side of theoretical physics, completing his thesis under the supervision of Dr. Nathaniel Johnston, a former IQC post doctoral fellow. Outside of class, Everett was involved with the Mount Allison Students' Union, the WUSC Student Refugee Program, the Men's Varsity Soccer team, the Ultimate Frisbee Club, with Orientation Week and Reunion Weekend remaining the highlights of his time there. He is also passionate about math and physics education, working as tutor at the Math Help Centre and as a TA for 8 different classes, in addition to leading a series of scientific outreach activities funded by NSERC's Student Ambassador program at a local francophone elementary school with a group of likeminded peers.

At U Waterloo since Fall 2020, Everett was able to remain involved in student government, athletics, and scientific outreach, sitting on both the Physics GSA and the GSA-UW, being a part of the Ultimate (Frisbee) Club's leadership, and working in various capacities for the IQC, most recently as a chaperone for QSYS. Having recently completed his MSc in Physics, Everett is looking forward to deepening his relationships with various organizations on campus in the years to come as he completes his PhD in Physics (Quantum Information).

A group of 28 men in two rows, wearing white jerseys.
At the 2022 Canadian University Ultimate Championships, the University of Waterloo's Open A team finsihed 6th (out of 40 teams). Yours truly is number 13, wearing a black baseball cap near the middle of the second row.
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