composition theory and pedagogy





This course will introduce students to key interventions in Composition theory and support students in exploring the implications of those interventions for the teaching of writing. We will place at the centre of our study contributions by scholars from and representing historically marginalized and excluded subject positions, many of whom we will be able to speak with as we engage with their work. Students will have the opportunity over the course of the term to trace genealogically the historical imaginaries and epistemologies that have shaped theory and practice in the field, as well as significant historical interventions that lay the groundwork for leading edge scholarship and pedagogy in the field of writing studies. In addition to being useful – necessary even – for graduate students planning professional lives within the academy (during which they will most certainly be required to teach writing and challenged to teach it well), this course will also be useful to graduate students planning careers in publishing professional writing, or any career in which co-authoring, writing support, or editing will be significant.

comptheorypractice.pdf392 KB