
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Baloch, G., Gzara, F., & Elhedhli, S.. (2022). Covid-19 PPE distribution planning with demand priorities and supply uncertainties. Computers & Operations Research, 146, 105913. Pergamon.
Bayram, V., Baloch, G., Gzara, F., & Elhedhli, S.. (2022). Optimal Order Batching in Warehouse Management: A Data-Driven Robust Approach. INFORMS Journal on Optimization, 4, 278–303. INFORMS.
Kınay, O. Burak, Gzara, F., & Alumur, S. A.. (2021). Full cover charging station location problem with routing. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 144, 1–22. Pergamon.
Elhedhli, S., Gzara, F., & Waltho, C.. (2021). Green supply chain design with emission sensitive demand: Second order cone programming formulation and case study. Optimization Letters, 15, 231–247. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Alnaggar, A., Gzara, F., & Bookbinder, J. H.. (2021). Crowdsourced delivery: A review of platforms and academic literature. Omega, 98, 102139. Pergamon.
Gzara, F., Elhedhli, S., Yildiz, U., & Baloch, G.. (2020). Data-driven modeling and optimization of the order consolidation problem in e-warehousing. INFORMS Journal on Optimization, 2, 273–296. INFORMS.
Alnaggar, A., Gzara, F., & Bookbinder, J. H.. (2020). Distribution planning with random demand and recourse in a transshipment network. EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 9, 100007. Elsevier.
Gzara, F., Elhedhli, S., & Yildiz, B. C.. (2020). The pallet loading problem: Three-dimensional bin packing with practical constraints. European Journal of Operational Research, 287, 1062–1074. North-Holland.
Baloch, G., & Gzara, F.. (2020). Strategic network design for parcel delivery with drones under competition. Transportation Science, 54, 204–228. INFORMS.
Hosseininasab, A., & Gzara, F.. (2020). Effects of feasibility cuts in Lagrangian relaxation for a two-stage stochastic facility location and network flow problem. Optimization Letters, 14, 171–193. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Baloch, G., & Gzara, F.. (2020). Capacity and assortment planning under one-way supplier-driven substitution for pharmacy kiosks with low drug demand. European Journal of Operational Research, 282, 108–128. Elsevier.
Daş, G. Sena, Gzara, F., & Stützle, T.. (2020). A review on airport gate assignment problems: Single versus multi objective approaches. Omega, 92, 102146. Pergamon.
Elhedhli, S., Gzara, F., & Yildiz, B.. (2019). Three-dimensional bin packing and mixed-case palletization. INFORMS Journal on Optimization, 1, 323–352. INFORMS.
Alnaggar, A., Gzara, F., & Bookbinder, J. H.. (2019). Crowdsourced Delivery: A Review of Platforms and Academic Literature. Omega, 102139. Elsevier.
Waltho, C., Elhedhli, S., & Gzara, F.. (2019). Green supply chain network design: A review focused on policy adoption and emission quantification. International Journal of Production Economics, 208, 305–318. Elsevier.
Bayram, V., Gzara, F., & Elhedhli, S.. (2019). Joint capacity, inventory, and demand allocation decisions in manufacturing systems. IISE Transactions, 51, 248–265. Taylor & Francis.
Lu, D., & Gzara, F.. (2019). The robust vehicle routing problem with time windows: Solution by branch and price and cut. European Journal of Operational Research, 275, 925–938. Elsevier.
Elhedhli, S., Gzara, F., & Yan, Y. Feng. (2017). A MIP-based slicing heuristic for three-dimensional bin packing. Optimization Letters, 11, 1547–1563. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
